4,935 Fines Issued in the First Three Days of July by Dubai Police

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New traffic rules have been implemented in the UAE from the 1st of July 2017 and Dubai Police has started to take strong actions against offenders according to the newly amended rules. A total of 4,935 fines were issued for dangerous traffic violations within just three days of the implementation of the new rules.

Motorists have been advised by the traffic authorities to obey the new traffic rules in order to avoid traffic fines, which have been increased significantly. The reckless behavior of motorists had kept the traffic authorities on their toes as the road safety situation continued to worsen in the UAE in the last two years.

Road accidents increased massively in 2015 that were followed by an increase in road fatalities in 2016, both of which ultimately became the reason for this change in traffic rules.

Also read: New Traffic Rule Amendments in the UAE – Everything You Need to Know

Details of the Traffic Fines Issued in Three Days

According to the data of three days revealed by traffic authorities, 4,935 fines were issued for different traffic violations. 1,333 fines were issued by Dubai Police on the spot, while 3,602 fines were issued against the offenders caught by the traffic monitoring cameras.

The Director of Traffic Department in Dubai Police, Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, revealed the details of the fines issued in three days and stated that the 4,935 fines did not include the speeding violations tracked by traffic monitoring radars.

The details of the fines are listed below:

  • Lane discipline violation was the most common traffic offence with 747 motorists fined for failing to maintain lanes. The fine for this violation according to the new rules is AED 400, which is AED 200 more than the fine issued before the new traffic law.
  • Blocking the traffic flow was another major violation for which 724 motorists were booked in three days. AED 1,000 is the fine for this violation according to the new traffic law. Blocking the traffic flow can cause serious traffic problems like traffic jams or collision between vehicles, which is why offenders face a heavy fine for this violation.
  • The third biggest reason for maximum fines in these three days was illegal parking. 526 motorists were fined for parking their vehicles improperly in the non-designated areas. The penalty for illegal parking in the new traffic rules is AED 500.
  • 190 drivers were fined for failing to buckle-up. The rules for seatbelts and child safety seats have become stricter in the new traffic law and motorists will be penalized heavily for failing to obey this important road safety rule. 8 drivers were also booked for failing to ensure that all passengers in the car buckled up. There is a new fine of AED 400 for every passenger in the car who fails to buckle-up and the fines will be issued against the driver of the car. Even for Taxi Drivers, authorities have made it compulsory to ensure that all passengers, including the rear-seat passengers buckle-up.
  • 145 Motorists were fined for using mobile phone while driving, which is a major reason behind fatal road accidents in Dubai and the UAE as a whole. Moreover, 60 motorists were booked for distracted driving. The fine for both these traffic violations is AED 800.

Details of the Traffic Fines Issued in Three Days

Also read: The Leading Cause of Road Deaths in the UAE Revealed

Authorities Advise Motorists to Avoid Dangerous Traffic Violations

Dubai Police, through their strict actions against the offenders within the first three days of the implementation of the new traffic law, have warned motorists of any reckless behavior exhibited while driving. The scrutiny for even the minor traffic violations has been increased in the light of the new traffic law as the ultimate aim of the amendments made to the traffic law is to improve road safety in the UAE by reducing the occurrence of dangerous road situations.

Along with major traffic violations like lane indiscipline, illegal parking, failing to buckle-up, speeding  and distracted driving, other violations like rubber necking at accidents can even cost motorists a heavy fine of AED 1,000. This is why motorists must be aware of all the changes in the amended traffic rules and remain extra careful while driving to avoid heavy penalties.

One way to avoid some serious traffic violations and remain safe while driving is to buy cars that offer advanced technologies for safe and attentive driving. The advanced capabilities of these cars for ensuring driver’s attention on the road and taking control of the vehicles in dangerous road situations can be of great help in driving attentively and safely on the UAE roads.

Also read: 6 Effective Safe Driving Tips for the UAE Motorists

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