Baby Car Seat Tips – Part 3

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Is it Time for a Booster Seat?

Take the next step to a booster seat when you answer “yes” to any of these questions:


Does your child exceed the car seat’s height or weight limits?

Are your child’s shoulders above the car seat’s top harness slots?

Are the tops of your child’s ears above the top of the car seat?

If the car seat with a harness still fits and your child is within the weight and height limits, continue to use it until it is outgrown.  It provides more protection than a booster seat or seat belt for a small child.


Be Wary of Toys

Toys can injure your child in a crash, so be extra careful to choose ones that are soft and will not hurt your child. A small, loose toy can be dangerous and injure your baby in a crash. Secure loose objects and toys to protect everyone in the car.

Buckle Up

We know that when adults wear seat belts, kids wear seat belts. So be a good example and buckle up for every ride. Be sure everyone in the vehicle buckles up, too.


Buckling up the right way on every ride is the single most important thing a family can do to stay safe in the car.


Prevent Heatstroke

Never leave your child alone in a car, not even for a minute. While it may be tempting to dash out for a quick errand while your babies are sleeping peacefully in their car seats, the temperature inside your car can rise 20 degrees and cause heatstroke <link to Heatstroke page> in the time it takes for you to run in and out of the store.

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