Preparing Your Vehicle for a Long Road Trip? Here is What You Need to Know

Preparing Your Vehicle for a Long Road Trip? Here is What You Need to Know

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With a long summer season just around the corner, it is an ideal time to spend some leisure time with family or friends and plan a long road trip. The United Arab Emirates is one of the most picturesque places in the world and offers a number of attractions to tourists as well as residents of the UAE to spend some quality time outside their busy routines.

From sand dunes to clear oceans and from nature parks to marvelous beaches, the list of attractions just doesn’t end in the UAE. Other than that, fun-filled activities like Desert Safari, Off-roading, Paragliding, Bungee Jumping and Boating can provide an ultimate entertainment opportunity to make the most of your long-awaited vacations.

But before you set off on a long journey, you must check your vehicle because the hot and humid weather of the UAE can have a toll on your vehicle and any vehicle which has not been regularly maintained can become vulnerable to breakdowns on long road trips.

Here is what you need to do to prepare your vehicle for before leaving for a long road trip.

Also read: 5 Easy Ways to Save your Car from Breaking Down This Summer

Check the Fluids of Your Car

You must check all different fluids of your car before leaving for a long road trip because these fluids regulate the functioning of the core mechanical parts of a vehicle. You need to check the fluid levels in multiple parts of the car and get them refilled to the appropriate level if needed.

Following are the important fluids in a car which you need to maintain for the best functioning of a vehicle:


Also known as the anti-freezing agent, this vital fluid prevents the engine from overheating by minimizing rust buildup and the chocking of radiator pipes. It is advised to keep the coolant level right in the middle of maximum and minimum level or according to the mark assigned on the coolant tank.

Transmission Fluid

It is another important fluid in your vehicle and is responsible for regulating the smooth shifting of gears. If the transmission fluid is not changed timely, it can lead to problems like a possible loss of acceleration or trouble with gear shifting.

Power Steering Fluid

Power steering fluid ensures smooth steering and is important for a stress-free driving experience. It can become difficult to steer a vehicle if the power steering fluid is not changed or if its level is not maintained on time.

power steering fluid

Windshield Washer Fluid

Windshield washer fluid is important to keep the windscreen clean especially in bad weather. A dirty windscreen can limit the road-view of the driver and can even cause a dangerous road incident in worst circumstances.

Brake Fluid

It is another essential fluid in a vehicle that regulates the functioning of hydraulic brakes by transferring the force from the brake paddle to the brakes at each wheel of the car. The force applied at the brake paddle is amplified by the hydraulic system and helps to stop a vehicle with a reasonable force applied by the driver. Many essential safety features like Brake Assist, ABS, and Active Forward Collision Detection System do not work as intended when the brake fluid falls below a critical level.

Check Hoses and Belts of the Vehicle

This particular inspection will require you to take the help of a professional car mechanic. You need to get all the hoses and belts under the hood checked before leaving for a long road trip. It is important to check if all the hoses and belts are in perfect condition and whether any of the hose or belt is not loose or needs replacement. Any malfunctioning of hoses and belts can leave you stranded on the road as they regulate the functioning of the engine.

check Engine and car hoses

Check the Tyres of Your Vehicle

You must check the health of your vehicle’s tyres before setting off on a long road trip. The air pressure and tread depth of the tyres must be checked to ensure a trouble-free ride. Tyres should be inflated close to their maximum capacity in summer season while the tyre tread must be checked with either the help of a “Tyre Tread Depth Gauge” or through the “Dirham Coin Test”. Old and wearing car tyres cannot survive in the heat of the UAE as road surface absorbs extra heat in the summer. Any ill-maintained tyre becomes vulnerable to a possible blowout and that can have dangerous consequences while driving. You must always keep a spare tyre with you in order to replace a damaged tyre by yourself in, especially when you are planning long road trips.

Check tyre pressure after 3 months

Also read: Driving Safety: Quick ways for knowing When to Replace Car Tyres

Get the Brakes of Your Vehicle Checked

Before departing for a long road trip, it is essential to get your vehicle’s brakes checked. You will again need the help of a professional car mechanic to check the health of your brakes. The inspection of brake pads and brake fluid is important and do get them changed if needed, as facing a brake problem on a long journey will be the last thing you will want to happen. A sudden brake problem in your car can be very dangerous and can put the safety of all the occupants of the car at stake.

Check Car Brake Pads

Check the Air Conditioner of Your Vehicle

In extremely hot and humid weather conditions of the UAE, you will surely not want your AC to get out of order in the middle of your much-awaited long road trip. This is why getting the air conditioner of a vehicle checked before leaving for a long journey is essential. The “Air filter” that keeps the AC clean from dust particles can get dirty with the passage of time and getting it cleaned or changed becomes essential for consistent cooling of the Air Conditioner.

Car Air Conditioning Sysytem

Also read: How to Maintain your Car’s Air Conditioning System this Summer

Regular Car Maintenance Keeps a Vehicle in Best Condition

The regular maintenance of the vehicle as per the instructions of Car’s User Manual or according to an expert mechanic’s advice is very important. Every maintenance checkup of a vehicle is critical to keep your vehicle in best shape for a long-term, whether it is the weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual checkup of the vehicle. Those who maintain their vehicles in an appropriate way do not really need to get their vehicles checked every time they leave for a long road trip, but it still can be adopted as a precautionary measure to ensure a stress-free journey.

Also Read: Introducing Car Maintenance Guide for Your Vehicles – Never Suffer a Car Breakdown Again

What is an Ideal Time to Get Your Vehicle Checked While Your Plan a Long Road Trip?

It is extremely important that you take your car to the mechanic at least a couple of days in advance to your planned long trip. Ideally, you should always have a one week gap between getting your car checked by a mechanic and setting of on a long road trip. At times, problems can arise after a particular part of a vehicle is serviced by a mechanic and for this reason you should use your serviced car for a week in the city to be absolutely sure that the service was done correctly and the vehicle is now in the perfect shape for a long road trip. This is especially important for cars older than 4-5 years as the reliability and dependability of essential vehicle parts decreases drastically after 3 years.

If you are worried about selling your old car that asks you for frequent repairs and you cannot trust it for a long road trip, sell your car at the most competitive market price to as we buy any car regardless of its age or condition at its best resale-price in just 30 minutes.

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