Traffic Violations with Maximum Black Points in Dubai

Traffic Violations with Maximum Black Points in Dubai

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Motorists in Dubai can face different penalties for different types of traffic violations. While some of the traffic violations are not very serious and are subject to smaller penalties, some of the dangerous traffic violations can be penalized heavily in Dubai and that can involve expensive fines and maximum black points against the license.

Traffic rules in the UAE are among the strictest traffic rules in the world, in fact, even attaining a driving license is very difficult in the UAE because the authorities want to ensure that the driver is well-trained before being allowed to drive on the UAE roads.

The heavy fines can be a serious headache, but motorists can get in real trouble if the number of black points continues to mount against their license as it can eventually lead to cancelling of their driving license in Dubai and other states of the UAE.

In these circumstances, it is very important for the motorists in Dubai to know about the traffic violations with maximum fines and black points against the driving license.

Also read: New Traffic Rule Amendments in Dubai – Everything You Need to Know

Traffic Violations with Maximum Black Points

Dangerous traffic violations, which can have fatal consequences and put the safety of motorists under severe threat are subject to heavy fines and maximum black points. Traffic authorities in Dubai will issue either 24 Black Points or 12 Black Points against the license of any driver who commits the below-mentioned traffic violations.

Traffic Violations with 24 Black Points

  • Overtaking by trucks in a dangerous way
  • Causing a dangerous accident and not stopping the vehicle after causing it
  • Driving a vehicle in the UAE without number plates
  • Drugged or Drunk Driving

Traffic Violations with 12 Black Points

  • Dangerous Driving (Racing)
  • Causing death of others on the road
  • Reckless Driving
  • Dangerous Driving that threatens the safety of common public
  • Driving 60 Km/h above the speed limit
  • Escaping a Traffic Policeman

All these violations have maximum black points in Dubai and this is because of the danger that is associated with these violations. Motorists committing these violations can have their license cancelled and will have to go through the whole process to acquire a license for driving in Dubai again, which can be tedious and time-taking. This is why motorists must always avoid such dangerous violations.

Traffic Violations with 12 Black Points

Why Motorists Must Remain Careful?

Motorists can lose their driving license if they are not careful about how they drive and commit dangerous violations. It is almost impossible for motorists to avoid and escape the authorities after committing a serious traffic violation as the traffic monitoring system across the UAE have been improved and strengthened in recent times.

The new radars and surveillance systems can detect even the most minor violations quickly and alert the control room about it without any delay. There is no way that motorists can avoid the black points for all the above-mentioned traffic violations and avoiding these violations is the only chance they have to save their license from being cancelled.

The authorities have become very active in their quest to make the UAE roads safer and for that, they have even amended the Federal Traffic rules which will be effective from 1st July, 2017.

Safe Driving is Necessary

Safe driving is necessary for everyone, especially when one considers the heavy traffic on the UAE roads. According to a recent research conducted by the Ministry of Interior, the number of deaths due to traffic accidents have increased in the UAE.

If we compare the statistics from 2015 to 2016 in the UAE, it can be observed that there is a 7.4% increase in traffic accident casualties. A total of 735 people lost their lives in traffic accidents in 2016, whereas in 2015, 675 people lost their lives in such accidents.

This is the reason why it is imperative that motorists across the UAE must follow safe driving practices and save themselves and others from dangerous road situations. This will improve the overall road safety in the UAE and help motorists avoid receiving the black points against their driving license.

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