Poor Driving Recorded as a Leading Cause of Road Deaths in 2016

Poor Driving Recorded as a Leading Cause of Road Deaths in 2016

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According to Dubai Police, at least 40 road deaths have been recorded last year in road accidents due to poor driving skills of motorists. There were 198 road deaths recorded in total last year due to various reasons.

The Director of Dubai Police revealed that there were 600 reported accidents that were caused by certain dangerous traffic violations.

Also read: Dubai Police Released New Traffic Accident Statistics For 2016

Poor Traffic Culture Observed by Motorists in 2016

There were a variety of reasons for fatal traffic violations committed by motorists. One primary reason was that motorists do not have proper sense of traffic rules. For instance, motorists tend to stop in the middle of the highway whenever they encounter even a minor mishap like a flat tire or engine stalling. This reason alone caused 13 casualties on the road last year.

Other such accident-prone traffic offences include turning into the main road or highway without scanning the road properly, reversing the vehicle without paying attention to the blind spots at the back and lastly, driving under the influence of alcohol.

Poor Traffic Culture Observed by Motorists in 2016

Also read: 7 Tips to Avoid a Car Accident in the UAE

Authorities Urge Motorists to Improve their Driving Skills

The Dubai Police has launched several awareness campaigns over the years to help improve the road safety situation. The aim of these campaigns has been to reduce road accidents, which result in fatalities. Unfortunately, motorists still persist on repeating these offences.

The Police authorities emphasised on the fact that motorists should strictly avoid stopping their vehicle in the middle of a road because of minor problems or accidents. Ideally, they should move the vehicle to the side of the road. Additionally, stepping out of the vehicle to check it after a mishap should also be avoided at all costs.

They urged drivers to avoid negligence while driving. Many times, drivers are busy with their children or chatting with other passengers, thus diverting their attention from the road. This alone has caused several accidents last year.

Authorities Urge Motorists to Improve their Driving Skills

Also read: 6 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving in the UAE

Strict Fines for Traffic Violations

For motorists in the UAE, it’s important to be aware of different traffic violations to avoid fines and penalties. Altogether, there are 147 types of such offences. Some of the most expensive traffic fines are decided by the courts, including hit-and-run situations especially when injuries and deaths are involved.

One of the most expensive traffic fine of AED 3,000 is issued to owners of large trucks who fail to cover their load in a proper way. On the other hand, the highest fine that can be issued to a car owner is AED 2,000 for racing on the streets. There are a number of fines for which a motorist can be booked in Dubai but these fines can easily be avoided by developing a better traffic sense, and by adopting safe driving habits.

Modern cars now have a number of new safety features like “lane assist, adaptive cruise control, forward collision detection system, etc.” that can help motorists avoid some of the most common and dangerous traffic violations. If you are looking to sell your old car to buy a new one with better safety features, don’t forget that with us you can sell your used car in just 30 minutes while all the post sales paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.



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