5 Most Fatal Traffic Violations of 2016 in Dubai

5 Most Fatal Traffic Violations of 2016 in Dubai Revealed

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Traffic violations in 2016 remained a consistent threat to road safety in Dubai. While few traffic violations were not dangerous, others were deadly. Out of all different traffic violations recorded in 2016, five of them were the deadliest. These fatal violations caused 144 deaths out of the 198 total road death in 2016.

Also read: Dubai Police Released New Traffic Accident Statistics For 2016

Reasons for Deadly Traffic Violations in 2016

Many reasons have been identified by Dubai’s traffic authorities for deadly violations committed by the motorists. The major reasons for traffic violations include inexperience of young motorists, not fastening seat belts, careless driving, lack of attention while driving and aggressive driving. All these reasons have been deadly dangerous and continued to be a serious problem for road and transport bodies. According to the Assistant Commander in Chief of the Dubai Police for Operational Affairs, Major-General Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen, the use of smartphone was one of the primary reasons for fatal road accidents in Dubai in the year 2016.

Reasons for Deadly Traffic Violations in 2016

Also read: The Leading Cause of Road Deaths in the UAE Revealed

Stats for Five Fatal Traffic Violations of 2016 in Dubai

In Dubai, 2016 was not a good year for road safety. A total of 198 road deaths were recorded which is clearly a bad representation of the traffic situation in the emirate. Out of the deaths caused by road accidents due to multiple reasons, five violations caused 144 deaths and were recognized as the deadliest violations by the traffic authorities.

Let’s review the 5 deadliest violations and see the number of road deaths caused by each violation.

  • Lack of Attention while driving caused 42 deaths.
  • Accidents caused by tailgating resulted in 38 deaths.
  • Accidents due to Sudden Lane Change caused 37 deaths.
  • Over-speeding resulted in 15 deaths.
  • Negligent driving caused 12 deaths.

All of these violations have strict penalties in Dubai but motorists seem to still remain careless about it. There have been recommendations floated by different sections of traffic authorities to increase the traffic penalties in different states of the UAE and it’s not something any motorist will want to happen.

UAE police warned motorists for taking selfies and using mobile phone while driving as it can cause fatal accidents

Also read: Dubai Police Released New Traffic Accident Statistics For 2016

Official Statement about the Fatal Violations

Major-General Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen was of the view that it’s a matter of seconds to make a right or wrong choice while driving and in most of the fatal crashes in 2016, motorists failed to do it. Traffic violation of use of mobile phone while driving was one of the chief reasons for road deaths. There were 60,000 such violations recorded in 2016 and Major-General Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen suggested that the real number of such violations was more than the recorded ones as it was almost impossible to track these violations.

Road accidents in UAE declined, but irresponsible drivers still cause harm to others by not following laws

Also read: 6 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving in the UAE

Car Safety Technologies to Avoid Fatal Road Accidents

Modern cars are now laced with some of the most amazing car safety technologies. These safety technologies are smart and efficient to minimize the occurrence of a fatal road accident.

Some of the prominent car safety technologies that can help drivers avoid a fatal road accident are listed below:

These car safety technologies are not a mere addition to the features of a car but they are there to save lives. Motorists looking to buy new cars should actually buy cars that are equipped with maximum modern day car safety technologies. It will not only help traffic authorities in improving the road safety situation but will also keep motorists away from strict penalties and serious road accidents.

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