New Green Mobility Target Set for Dubai

New Green Mobility Target Set For Dubai

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In the next four years, Dubai will have a bigger share of hybrid or electric vehicles. Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE), Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) have set a new Green Mobility target for Dubai.

The three authoritative bodies are planning to cut down carbon emission in the city by increasing the share of the green vehicles. According to this new plan, in the next four years, electric and hybrid vehicles will have a 10% share in new vehicles in Dubai.

Also read: RTA Dubai App Updated to Calculate Carbon Emissions and Transport Cost

The New Green Mobility Target

The new initiative is launched by Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE). It aims to reduce carbon emission by 16% in Dubai by 2021. According to the new target, all government organizations must include electric or hybrid vehicles in their fleets.

These vehicles will have a 10% share among the new purchased cars between the years of 2016 till 2020. The new target is also set to achieve 2% share of all cars to be electric and hybrid vehicles by 2020 and 10% by 2030.

In order to promote the use of electric vehicles, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) announced last year that they will install electric car chargers across the city. According to Dewa, this target has been achieved and they have installed green chargers at main locations across the city including Dubai Municipality, Dubai Airport, petrol stations, RTA, parking areas, shopping malls and hotels.

Managing Director and CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Saeed Mohammad Al Tayer said, “The Green Charger aims to install and manage the infrastructure to provide electric vehicles with power to reduce air pollution and protect the environment from the adverse effects of the transportation sector in the emirate.”

Also read: New Regulations Set for Electric Vehicles in the UAE

RTA’s Stand on the Green Mobility Goals

A delegation from the RTA met with top officials by Dewa where they discussed their commitment towards the Green Mobility goals set by Dewa. Director-General and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of the RTA, Mattar Al Tayer said about the initiative:

“The RTA takes part in the Dubai Green Mobility initiative through its membership in the technical and executive committees. The RTA operates 300 hybrid taxi cars, which is 6 per cent of the total taxi fleet. We are working to convert 50 per cent of the taxi fleet to hybrid cars by 2021. These vehicles produce 33 per cent less carbon emissions compared to other cars.”

Al Tayer also mentioned that the RTA has taken a notice and adopted a project of studying the requirement for electric vehicle charging stations and where they are needed the most. He revealed, “The RTA is currently preparing specifications and guidelines for charging stations with regard to right of way. It will be completed before the end of this year. The RTA collaborated with Dewa in establishing 10 electric charger stations at the RTA’s multi-level car park building.”

With all of these initiative taken by the Dewa, RTA and DSCE, Dubai will surely reach the new target set by these authorities in their due time.

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