Dubai Police Released New Traffic Accident Statistics For 2016

Dubai Police Released New Traffic Accident Statistics For 2016

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Dubai Police has released new traffic accident related statistics for 2016 as the end of the year is just a few days away. Even after all the safety provisions taken by the Dubai traffic regulatory bodies in the form of new radars and strict fines, there were many traffic accidents in 2016. According to the new statistics revealed by Dubai Police, the number of traffic related deaths have increased from 2015.

Also read: Traffic Problems in the UAE – A Roundup of 2016

New Statistics Revealed By Dubai Police

According to the new statistics, 174 motorists lost their lives on Dubai roads in 2016. In contrast to this, 122 motorists lost their lives in traffic accidents from January till the end of September in 2015. There is a definite increase in traffic accident related deaths, despite the fact that Dubai Police and traffic regulatory bodies have been trying their best to control the situation as best as they can.

One of the most devastating accidents includes the accident on Emirates Road that occurred in July, 2016 in which 13 people were injured and 7 people were killed.

The new statistics are from the beginning of January until the end of November. Director of the General Department of Traffic at Dubai Police, Brigadier Saif Mohair Al Mazroui said that cause of the accidents includes inattentive drivers, over speeding, failing to maintain distance between cars and drivers not being able to maintain their lanes.

New Statistics Revealed By Dubai Police

Also read: 7 Tips to Avoid a Car Accident in the UAE

Number of Fines Issued To Motorists in 2016

For parking violations alone, Dubai Police issued 7,000 fines in 2016. According to Brigadier Saif Mohair Al Mazroui, the Dubai Police issued 175,000 fines to the motorists who were driving on the hard shoulder and 35,000 fines were issued to the motorists who drove without maintaining proper distance between cars.

Another fact revealed by Brigadier Saif Mohair Al Mazroui is that 47,000 motorists were recorded using their mobile phones while they were driving. This is one of the major reasons behind traffic accidents in the UAE because the drivers are distracted which is why they cannot properly pay attention to the road.

Number of Fines Issued To Motorists in 2016

Also read: 6 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving in the UAE

Plans for the Future

In 2016, Dubai Police ‘Speed Kills’ campaign was held to raise awareness about the dangers of speeding. However, motorists still continue to disregard these procedures and rules. The traffic regulatory bodies aim to attain zero fatalities for every 100,000 people living in Dubai by 2020. However, they cannot do that if the motorists don’t abide by the traffic rules and laws. The safety of everyone depends on careful and attentive driving. It should be a common practice among drivers to drive carefully and think of other people on the road as well as themselves.

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