7 ways to Drive Safely in Low Visibility Conditions

7 ways to Drive Safely in Low Visibility Conditions

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The conditions for driving can never be constant wherever you are. You can experience a variety of situations where you have to improvise in order to keep yourself safe. Such situations are caused by changes in weather, including fog, heavy rainfall, dust storms etc. or some man-made reasons like air pollution or smog. Even in places like the UAE, where it’s dry and barren most of the time during the year, there are still times of extreme instability in the weather that may cause some inconvenience for the drivers.

Sand storms, fogs and whirl winds are some of the strongest in the desert area. These situation may cause low visibility, whereby drivers have difficulty in identifying objects or light at a distance of mere few meters. According to official records, situations of low visibility is when accident damaged cars are mostly found.

In such situations, drivers are encouraged to follow certain steps that ensure safety of the driver and the passengers involved while they travel.

Here we will discuss some tips to help you can drive safely in low visibility conditions.

Beams and Fog Lights

One of the most defining feature of the modern car models that are designed especially for such purposes are the fog lights. They are mostly in-built along with the regular night beams and can be turned on when needed. In case of situations like thick fog or storms, where the screens of your car are either frosted or get visibly dirty, it is advisable that you turn on these lights. They will help you in identifying objects that are ahead at a reasonable distance.

Furthermore, it doesn’t have to be dark to turn on these lights. These can be used during the day as well depending on their need. Along with fog lights, low beams are encouraged, as high beams will cause your visibility to worsen.

Beams and Fog Lights

Slow Down your Speed

Situations like heavy downpour and fog, it becomes difficult to judge the actions of other drivers on the road, largely due to lack of visibility. It is advisable that you decrease your speed considerably. Most accidents occur because driver is going too fast for the weather conditions.

Slow Down your Speed

Right Side of the Road

While driving in low visibility conditions, it is important to be vigilant of the fact that you are at the right edge of the road. This is usually indicated by a painted road marking as a guide. Such markings also include white fog lines or roadside reflectors as well.

Right Side of the Road

No Sudden Movements

Driving slowly under such conditions doesn’t mean that your work is done and you’ll be safe. You also need to control and be calculated when you move your car sideways. Do not change lanes and pass other vehicles unless it’s very necessary. While doing so, make sure you look around through your rear mirrors to know if there is any approaching vehicle or object in sight. Use of signal while turning or changing lanes is very important and it’s recommended that you use this well in advance in such situations.

Furthermore, you should also be careful when it comes to braking or stopping at travel lanes. It’s advisable to stop in half the distance you can see. Watch for very slow moving and parked vehicles as well.

Also read: 7 Tips for Safe Driving in the Fog

Clear Screens

Having dirty or fogged up screens with already low visibility may add to major difficulty while driving. Therefore, ensure that you keep your view clear and that your windshield washer reservoir is full. You may need it more during a foggy weather or a sand storm.

On the other hand, frequently using a defroster and windshield wipers may also cause moisture to build up inside and out of the car. You can use the air conditioning to avoid such build up.

Don’t Use Hazard Lights

Contrary to popular usage, it is advisable not to use hazard lights while driving especially during fog or heavy rainfall. People use these lights in order to alert approaching vehicles. According to Abu Dhabi Police in 2012, hazard lights should only be used in emergency and that’s it; only use low beams in foggy conditions.

If you need to stop, you should pull all the way off the road into a safe spot and turn on the hazard lights to let drivers know you are parked.

Don’t Use Hazard Lights

Also read: Road Safety Rules in Abu Dhabi

Minimize Distractions

Last, but not the least, drivers are advised to turn off any kind of music and avoid talking over the phone or texting while driving in low visibility conditions. Try opening your windows to help listen to traffic you may not be able to see. Don’t forget to buckle up!

These are some of the tips you can use while you drive in low visibility that may help to keep you safe.

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