Ahmed Al Mazrui produced the first vehicle Made in UAE

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Since his childhood dreaming of innovations and inventions, and hoped himself to become one day an inventor, as if the idea originated with him by nature, and it launched the first years of his youth, until he decided to run the experiment, created a design for the four-wheel drive, then a motorcycle and bicycle tourism, and other devices was teased impress a lot of people, and before them, the most important officials in the relevant departments innovations young citizen.

Today, the UAE inventor Ahmad Al Mazrui wants to establish a manufacturer bears his name which he will implement all of his inventions through it which has consistently invented years ago along with the production of new innovations, and with the support and encouragement of the Ministry of Interior, and the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development. He is preparing currently firing a wide range of inventions in the field of mechanical engineering electronic, that rely on alternative energy in operation, with the aim of contributing to the preservation of the environment, and reduce the risk of pollution that threaten the safety of the environment and individuals.

Ahmed Al Mazrui says: When I first started my talent, I was no more than seven years and the first work I’ve done at this age is learning to drive a vehicle in a short time and this stunned my father who was a master of driving, and then pushed me curiosity to learn all the technical details and mechanical vehicles and motorcycles, and I’m passionate about the reform of faults very quickly, all of this was in front of my father’s eyes who did not know then that his son will become one day, the first AED innovates local world-class vehicle and gets the first license to manufacture in the country.

My talent did not stop at this point, but I later invented the first “robot” to control the camels at the races after young passengers are prevented from riding camels and I got the gold medal with worldwide honors by this innovation, and third place in the Middle East in the third exhibition of inventions in Kuwait. I also invented a quad bike, working with all the means of existing power, ranging from oil even solar energy, and finally became the first person that puts a camera in fishing nets for the birds which can be controlled from far distances.

Years ago at the beginning of the first his experiences in innovation and industrialization, he designed a vehicle with only two seats with four tires , and made it with his own abilities but unfortunately it did not match the technical specifications of traffic and he failed to register it but this failure was the motivation to take advantage of his mistakes , and in the manufacture of the second version which took work for about two years and more, he has succeeded in virtually registered it with the traffic , and he called it “SBC” an acronym for (Sport, Buggy, Classic). This vehicle was marked design and is completely different from traditional designs for vehicles, as it combines the specification of sports, classic and desert vehicles, and this shown in the design which is characterized by the appearance of “ Baji” design in the rear and “classic” design in the front. The vehicle power is up to 500 hp ( machine 6 cylinder ) and he regards not carry any parts of the other vehicle as he has not tried to buy any piece from the outside in the sense that he relied on himself completely in the design, installation, and connecting all parts of the vehicle in full using the ores local then went to Dubai Traffic and got a license to drive it after carefully checked and that was his first step in his biggest project where he went immediately to the Ministry of Finance and Industry , and got the first license to establish a factory to assemble and manufacture cars, hence gradually began to establish the plant in accordance with the possibilities of the material available with him and then with the help of the Ministry of Interior and the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development. He has found all to cooperate and care from them.

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