7 Tips On How To Buy A Car In UAE

Tips for buying a car in UAE – A complete guideline

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The decision of buying a new car should be rational and not entirely based on emotions. The information about new and used cars and understanding of the market trends matters a lot when you are looking to buy a car in UAE. Having a car is certainly a blessing but it also increases your expenses. You must have the idea of your monthly budget and all allocated expenses to make an ideal deal for your new car. Before you start to map out the route to the nearby seaside or a highway on your new car, you need to figure out few practical tips to buy a car. To avoid common pitfalls; here is a comprehensive list of valuable car-buying guidelines that will not only help you to make a perfect deal but also save your time and money.

Tip # 1 – Checking Prices and Reviews

Before you begin with the process of car buying, you need to know the fact that an efficient research is guaranteed to generate positive outcomes. Heading out to an car market without the basic knowledge of the cars and their markets would not prove to be advantageous for you. An in-depth study of the market is a key factor when buying a car. Doing a quick and focused research is no more a herculean task as today you can find many online platforms which are the gateways of all important information required for car buying.

Tip # 2 – Set your Budget and Save Your Money

If you are looking to buy another car before selling your present vehicle then you seriously need to reconsider the idea. Your expenses will increase owning more than one.  A good rule of thumb is to set the budget in a way that not more than 25% of your regular household salary is spent on your all cars. The things that you need to consider while calculating your car budget for a month are the monthly auto loan payment, an estimate of the cost of fuel and maintenance plus insurance cost. The most viable idea is to first sell car which you already have and then go for another.

Read also; Buy Car in UAE at Reasonable Price

Tip # 3 – Take a Test Drive before buying a car

Be in those 90% of the people who take a test drive before making a final car purchase decision. To know all the pros and cons of a particular car you are going to buy, the test drive is a must. Other than that you also need to make good use of the limited test drive time. Brakes, suspension, engine, clutch functioning and wheels alignment are the facets that to monitor during a test drive.

Tip # 4 – Use Clever Negotiation Strategies

Negotiation is actually a tough skill to practice but you need to be active enough to negotiate the best price of the car that you are interested in.  When you are all set to buy a car, keep in mind all those discounts you have researched before.

Tip # 5 – Check as Many Dealerships as Possible

Locate the best automobile markets in your area to assure the best deal of a car. Visiting different dealers in your area works best when you are looking for a used car. Compare the prices of the same car on different showrooms and then settle a deal with a dealer that offers a car in best suitable price.

Tip # 6 – Keep your Options Open

Most people look to buy things using their hearts and not the brains.  People often stick to one car and decide to purchase car it at once ignoring its critical aspects. You need to first research all those vehicles that fall in your budget in terms of maintenance, insurance, petrol etc.  After that what you can do is to check the price of these cars at different dealerships. Keeping options open while buying a vehicle helps in exploring the best in the pre-decided budget.

Tip # 7 – Consider Both Used and New Cars

You need to consider both new and used cars before finalizing a deal for your new car.  Buying a slightly used vehicle is an ideal approach to saving money as these cars depreciate less. Buying a used car does not mean that you will be paying significantly lesser than what you would have paid for a new car. The used car market also has grown a lot and the prices of used cars are also on a high. The only benefit you get with the used cars is that there are no immediate depreciation fears attached to purchase. Other than that used cars also don’t have associated loans and insurance costs which help you save your valuable money. New cars are also a great choice as anything that comes as the first hand use has the longevity and reliability more than a second hand commodity.  The decision for buying a used or new car solely depends upon the budget of the buyer.

Make a Good Car Buying Decision for Long-Term benefits

The decision for buying your next car should be given serious attention to seek long-term advantages. A decision made in a hurry without following the essential guidelines for buying a car can haunt you in the times to come. The secret of success in this regard is to continue refining your decision and reach the point where you feel you are at the side of all possible advantages. Educate yourself with all car buying techniques before you make a final decision. All the tips outlined in this article will make your car buying experience a pleasant and beneficial one.

Planning to change your car? Don’t forget that with us you can sell your used car in just 30 minutes while all the post sales paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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