9 Lifesaving Tips for Driving in the Rain

Safety tips for driving in rain

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Driving in the rain is often risky and can cause accidents. According to “National Highway Traffic Safety Administration” USA, the chance of car crashes increases in rainfall than driving in any other weather condition. Therefore, first you should minimize driving in the rainy season and if you have to travel then you must consider safety tips in order to avoid any mishap.

Furthermore, you must not be driving in the rain at night unless it is very urgent. Here are some helpful tips to avoid dangerous consequences while driving on wet and slippery roads in rain.

Safety tip #1 – Check Your Car Thoroughly

If you have decided to drive in rain and it will be a long journey, then first examine your car’s most important accessories like windshield wipers, tires, brakes and other necessary parts and check whether they are functioning properly. You also need to make sure if they need any repair or replacement because driving in rain must be very smooth and controllable which can only be possible if all parts of the car are working correctly. It should also be checked whether the fuel tank is carrying enough fuel to last the journey.

Safety tip #2 – Turn on Head Lights

When you are driving at night, make sure that front and back lights are functioning properly and always keep headlights at dim beams for ensuring the safety of other drivers coming ahead you as high beam lights may blind them to see clearly.

Safety tip #3 – Keep a Good Distance

At wet roads, vehicles may get slipped. To avoid this one must keep a good distance from other vehicles to stay away from a possible collision with a vehicle passing by. It is an important safety type to maintain the discipline of traffic while driving in the rain.

Safety tip #4 – Follow Road Safety Rules

Always strictly follow road safety rules, never compromise as these rules are made for our own safety, and thus never break any rule even if you are in hurry as time comes back but life doesn’t.

For a safe drive in rain follow the rules and regulations

Safety tip #5 – Don’t Exceed Speed Limit

Don’t rush off or hurry while driving in rain, and strictly follow speed limits. You should drive at a constant speed that is ideally 30 Km/h and don’t exceed that speed limit which you can’t handle easily.

Safety tip #6 – Be Focused When Driving in Rain

Be focused while driving and avoid using the mobile phone. You should also not be eating or drinking anything, and listening to radio is not a good option too.  It is also suggested to avoid using other stuff that can distract you. Just Keep an eye on road and keep using mirrors and drive very carefully. Moreover, driving at high speed may thrush water onto pedestrians and can ruin their clothes. It is an unethical thing and also against road manners.

Safety tip #7 – Control Steering

Keep hands on steering and have control over it all the time. You may need to turn suddenly at a side because broken trees and fallen side boards by stormy weather may come in your way. Don’t forget that when driving at high water acts as a partial lubricant and makes your car lose traction and breaking ability.

Safety tip #8 – Emergency Help

You should save emergency helpline number in your phone and it’s much better if you have a first aid box in your car because you never know and some uncertain situation may arise. If you face any emergency then urgently call the emergency number and get quick help.

Safety tip #9 – Keep your Windscreen and Side Windows Clear

In the rainy season, your car’s windscreen and side screens can have water condensation on them. Rather than wiping out with cloth, turn on fresh air by directing air at the windscreen. But if it’s not raining then just slightly open car’s window to remove water condensation.

Remove water condensation from windscreen

For more driving and car hacks, check out our blog on 9 Ultimate Car and Driving Hacks to Make Life Easier.

Bottom-line: Better Safe than Sorry

It is always a better option to stay on the safer side and avoid driving in rain as prevention serves better than any cure. Other than that if you follow these precautionary measures and follow road safety rules, then most probably you will remain safe and secure while driving in rain.

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