UAE to Increase Minimum Motorway Speed to 100km/h

Minimum speed limit increased- UAE

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Over Speeding is never a viable option. On the other hand, extremely slow speeds also affect the flow of traffic on the road. A good balance between the maximum and minimum speed limits ensures a smooth flow of traffic on any road. Motorways in UAE have been facing consistent jams due to the slow speed of the drivers following the minimum speed limit i.e. 60Km/h, that is why the authorities have decided to increase the speed limit.

UAE Traffic Authorities’ Stance on Traffic Jams

The Federal Traffic Council observed many reasons for the traffic jams on motorways of UAE and following were the key observations in this regard:

The Chairman of the Council and Dubai Police’s Commander in Chief Major General Mohammad Al Zafin told the media that the council considered the difference between the maximum and minimum speed limits and that the difference was quite huge and needed an overview.

He told that the road that got most affected was the Sheikh Zayed Road as the minimum speed limit of 60km/h was too slow for this road. An increase in the traffic jams on the motorways was due to the very slow driving of the drivers, who were following the minimum speed limit.

Justification for the New Minimum Speed Limit

The new minimum speed limit proposed by the Traffic Authorities in UAE is 100km/h. The proposed limits are approved for the roads facing serious traffic jams those major are motorways of UAE. This new minimum speed limit will leave a gap of 20km between the minimum and maximum speed limits which will curb the factors destroying the flow of traffic.

How Change in Speed Limits will improve the Mindset of Drivers

Some Drivers thought that they could drive at 60Km/h (minimum speed limit) on a road that had a maximum speed limit of 140km/h. This mindset disrupted the flow of traffic especially for those driving close to the maximum limits. The authorities have now closed the gap between the minimum and maximum speed limit to avoid the road jams and unwanted traffic issues. It is expected that the change in minimum speed limit will push the slow drivers to drive a little faster and keep the pace of traffic uniformed.

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