Dashboard Cameras Legalized by UAE: Why you need to install one now!

Dashboard Cameras Legalized in UAE- install now

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UAE has legalized the installation of the Dashboard Cameras in cars. This move by the Government is the result of the two incidents recorded in one month involving the same person who tried to jump in front of the cars to claim blood money or injuries compensation.

Federal Traffic Council in UAE put light on the fact that citizens were allowed to use cameras in their dashboard and there was no such rule that stops them from doing it. A recognized official also stated that mobile phones cameras could also be used appropriately on the windshield in order to observe the traffic violations and avoid harmful circumstances.

What triggered this legislation

The Council was chaired by the Commander in Chief of the Dubai Police for Operational Affairs “Major General Mohammad Saif Ali Zafeen”. He said that:

“There were clear instances in which people threw themselves in front of the cars to claim blood money or compensation for their injuries.

The whole campaign for giving the legal stature to the Dashboard Cameras originated from the instance in which a person jumped in front of the cars twice in a month to claim the compensation for injuries or blood money for the relatives.

Saif Ali Zafeen, highlighting the importance of the Dashboard Cameras stated that such intentional attempts for the sake of compensations could easily be recorded with the help of Dashboard Cameras.

The major recommendation made in the council was to keep a good care of the privacy of the road users and that it might not get affected with the Dashboard Cameras.

Become a YouTube Star with your Dashboard Camera Videos

Life is full of accidents and this unfortunate thing is inevitable. But having a dashboard cam installed in your car might give you a chance to share with others what you have seen or experienced while driving. This won’t not only save many lives but also teach others a lesson that safety measures should never be avoided while driving. Through these dashboard camera videos, you can also become a YouTube sensation by sharing your own recorded videos or having some compilations. These could be both; the good and bad ones.

Here are some good YouTubers that might have actually made very good money from just 1 video on their channel.

Mohamed Qutteineh

Mr. Qutteineh, on his channel, has just 2 videos and with one of his videos he has managed to get 5.1 million views. Now those of us who are already making money through our YouTube channels know that 5.1 million views translate into some serious amount of cash.

A trucker manages to High-five a highway signboard in Saudi Arabia.

Tim Linton

On a similar note, Mr. Tim’s YouTube channel has a few videos but one of his videos also managed to get 5.1 million views on YouTube. Which once again means some serious cash was made through this one video.

Camaro driver manages to reach us how not to drive and why being patient while driving is so important.


So, adding a camera to your dashboard gives you the ability to record something extraordinary; which can be used to make some serious cash on YouTube.

How Dashboard Cameras can be your ultimate defense in an accident

Can you imagine yourself in a situation where you would get involved in a fatal accident with alarming consequences and you were clearly not at fault?  Who would know it without any proof had it been your mistake or an unintentional attempt of someone who jumped in front of your car to claim the compensation or blood money? This is where the Dashboard Cameras can help to record the real-time action. You would not be found guilty of hitting someone with your car if you were not at fault with the support of dashboard cameras. Furthermore, a road accident recorded by your dashboard camera might also save someone else who did not have his own Dashboard Camera.  You can also upload such recorded videos on YouTube to inform locals about such incidents so they stay more aware and active while driving.

In this 5 minutes video, you will see multiple convincing reason on why you should go and install a dashboard camera today.

Legality around “Tinting Your Windows”

The other recommendation made in the council was about the Tinting of the car windows. Only 30% tinting of the windows was reckoned legal by the Council and putting a film over the tinted windshields was also considered as illegal.

The Council chaired by the Commander in Chief of the Dubai Police for Operational Affairs “Major General Mohammad Saif Ali Zafeen” unanimously called the 100% tinting of the windows illegal. The Chief said that there was a realistic threat of occurrence of the deadly accidents with tinted windows which needed to be avoided.

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Image Source: engadget

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