Ford’s Door Latch Problems Continue in the Fusion

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Those trolling through the car market on a car acquisition mission are more than likely to forego any Ford Motor Company products due to the recurring problem of the faulty door latch. This problem has persisted on in the cars coming off the line from the Dearborn, Michigan based car maker.

Of recent the American car maker has recalled a very large number – 390,000 units in particular – of the Ford Fusion alongside two other models so as to fix the problem. The car manufacturer issued a statement in the press to let the owners of any Ford Fusions bring them in so that the problem can be fixed.

After expert car assessment, the root cause has been pinpointed to be the pawn spring tab which appears to be broken. This prevents doors from latching shut and when they do, the possibility is high they will open at any time suddenly when the car is in motion. Ford has already been made aware of 3 incidents involving the faulty latch. In a pair of them, the door bounced back to hit the drivers after shutting it on their way out. In the other occasion the door flew open of its own accord hitting an adjacent car when the driver was pulling into a parking space.

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