RAV4 Involved in Toyota Gas Pedal Saga

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Japanese car maker has been at the cusp of the car sale industry for quite a while and those who partake in car acquisition have been accustomed to the quality that is known to emanate from the production lines of the company.

 This fairy tale groaned to a halt however when the successful car maker was involved in a recall that eclipsed those before as one of the biggest of all time. Many Toyota models, the RAV4 inclusive, were recalled and production halted so that experts could figure out how to solve the gas pedal issue.

The gist of the matter is that in certain models of Toyota cars, the gas pedal can stick when depressed and thus cause the vehicle to shoot forward in continued acceleration. This is especially dangerous if the traffic numbers on the road are high because it greatly increases the chances of getting into a crash.

From an exalted pedestal, the car rating of the Toyota fleet has greatly dwindled as people worry about the safety of their families and friends as well their own once they get onto products like the implicated RAV4. Toyota issued the recall involuntarily so that it gets back the confidence and trust of those embarking on a car search.

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