Honda’s Air-Bag Crisis Explodes: 1 More Death

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Just when renowned Japanese car maker Honda Motors thought that it was getting a lid on things as concerns its air bag crisis, another death occurred due to the same faulty air bag problem. The car maker reported the death to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as compelled by legislation.

Confirmation of the Louisiana incident where a woman died due to shrapnel impaling itself into her from a ruptured air bag in her 2005 Honda Civic has whipped up yet again another public relations storm for the car maker and has seen the car rating of its fleet dwindle as the public’s faith in its products decreased incredibly.

In a move meant to restore this faith and spur on the number of automotive sale of its products, Honda is unveiling a newly appointed president to help it combat this crisis that has it involved in one of the biggest car recalls of all time.

An overly explosive propellant has been hinted at as the cause for the deadly air bags though experts at Takata, the manufacturer of the air bags, cannot yet put their finger to the exact cause of the defect. This is sure to keep the car market jittery as relates to manufacturers and models whose wares are fitted with the Takata products.

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