Automatic Braking May One Day be Required for New Cars

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Most of the new car models in the world today come fitted with automatic braking system as an option in case a driver fails to manually apply car brakes by stepping on the brakes pedal. However, the National Transportation Safety Board claims that the automatic braking system must be a mandate for all cars so that incase a person is to buy any vehicle from the car market, it must be having that braking system fitted in it. The Board’s argument is safety features like airbags and seat belts come standard, so more advanced safety precautions like collision warning and automatic braking. These can prevent injuries and fatalities.

The collision warning system uses various combinations of radars, cameras and proximity sensors to warn a driver if they are too close to an object. These features are only available on luxury cars and they are used to determine car value assessing these unique features though new models from Subaru and Chrysler are soon using them. car assessment is to be carried on the new cars to award crash test scores through testing the performance and active safety systems.

Automakers greatly disagree with the mandatory rule of having all those features in the car saying that it has to be the individual choice of a particular car driver to want the features fitted into his/her car. These car manufacturers tend to maximize their profits through charging extra for options and packages consumers want and the great example is Porsche that earned over a great deal of money in the year 2013.

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