BMW to Recall 6,781 Cars in UAE

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With all the money injected into the research and development of a new car design, inclusive of all kinds of features and plus safety aspects, one would expect that the units of vehicles coming off the production line at the various factories and assembly plants to be free from life threatening glitches and niggling problems.

The automotive sale business is falls prey to the basest of human characteristics; we all make mistakes. It is for this reason that many automotive manufactures recall a surprisingly large number of their vehicles so that they can correct the mistakes that were overlooked during the development phase of the process of car making.

One of the manufacturers with a really high car rating of its fleet is the renowned German company BMW AG. The steps taken by the company in the journey to provide the customers in the car market to value their fleet in high stead have faltered a little due to a recall of more than 6,000 cars in the UAE alone.

A Gulf News report claims that the company is recalling 6,296 BMW cars as well as 485 Rolls Royce in the greater UAE area.  The problem is cited as being a potential leak in the power braking system resulting in vacuum loss hence reduction in assistance in power braking.

A statement from the Middle East spokesperson for BMW inferred that not all recalled units were necessarily affected but that those that are would be fixed at no cost to the customer.

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