Gas Pedal Glitch Hinders Toyota Camry Production

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Rising to the cusp of the automobile industry through supplying quality and efficient quality assurance and control systems, the car rating of the popular models of Japanese auto maker Toyota has taken a great nose dive due to the dangers posed by the glitch in the operation of its gas pedal.

Toyota halted both the production of the Camry as well as the sale of the units that were already in the dealerships so that the problem can be analyzed and fixed. The fix however took a pretty long time to fix and there were those who were already in possession of the cars left stranded due to the lack of a feasible solution from the manufacturer.

Alongside other models, Toyota recalled the model year 2007 to 2010 Camry to examine the gas pedal that gets jammed in the depressed positions thus leaving the car to accelerate leaving the occupants prone to getting into accidents. Other instances have been reported where by the floor mat grips the depressed gas pedal resulting in the same consequences.

Despite the car history of Toyota, the best option would be to engage in the used car market so as to distance oneself from the potential hazard that is the Camry.

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