4 Self-driving Cars Have Been Involved in Accidents

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Mega factories in the world today use robots to operate efficiently and accurately in sensitive sectors of the factory where mistakes are greatly avoided. This has created a fallacy that machines don’t make mistakes in their performance. Though it has been disproved in the field of cars where reports show that four self-driving cars have been involved in accidents since September which has greatly affected the car assessment in the performance of the self-driving cars on the car market. These cars are licensed to operate on California roads though their accidents are blamed on human errors.

Three of these cars belong to Google while the fourth belongs to Delphi Automotive. Both companies have taken the helm of making self-driving cars. However, all these crushes were not severe since the vehicles were at low speeds of 10mph.

Google believes its SUVs were involved in accidents due to human errors because each car has a kill switch that instantly disables the self-driving system as the last option in case the autonomous driving sensors and other technology cannot fully ensure safety of the vehicle with passengers on board. These features increase the car valuation in terms of safety while traveling. The Delphi Automotive’s self-driving Audi was not in self-driving mode when it got involved in the accident.

Some people believe the fault of the self-driving cars being involved in incidents should also be blamed on the companies that built them. This is a complaint from people who believe the concept of self-driving cars is not fully assessed and not worth implementing on public roads. They believe the roads will be prone to more accidents with cars not physically driven by a human being in a driver seat.

Companies whose driverless cars have been licensed to operate in different states have to work hard and avoid accidents to minimize criticism from the public and lawmakers.

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