Soon, Run Your Car on Hydrogen Corn!

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Many people that own cars in big cities resort to public means of transport due to the high fuel prices. Cars with high power engines consume a lot of fuels as compared to engines in saloon cars. Fortunately, researchers have discovered a new unique never known in car history and in science world to create hydrogen fuel using corn stalks and husk. This will help reduce the expenditure on ordinary fuel for the cars.

The aim of the hydrogen economy is to produce distributed and affordable green hydrogen from local biomass resources. This will help the car market dealers in selling cars of high fuel consumption without fear of high fuel prices because there is a cheaper fuel alternative. 

Luckily enough, the team already received a significant funding to proceed to the next step of scaling up production to a demonstration size. The current method for producing hydrogen uses natural gas which is expensive to distribute and causes fossil carbon emissions. Though, the Virginia Tech team used biomass (husks and stalks of corn plants).

This reduces the initial expense of creating fuel and enables the use of a fuel source readily available near the processing plants. This makes the creation of the fuel a local enterprise. This can instigate poor people to go into used car market to buy cars since prices of hydrogen fuel are low.

The team increased enzymatic generation rates from the initial rates. This reaction rate is fast enough for hydrogen production in distributed hydrogen-fuelling stations in different places. The achieved reaction rate is at least 10 times more than the fastest photo-hydrogen production system.

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