National Motor Sport Authority Drives UAE for Worldwide Training

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The ability to deliver motor sport training programs in multiple languages around the world has put the Automobile and Touring Club for the UAE in pole position as an international service provider.


A four-strong team from the ATCUAE’s training and education arm, the Motorsport Knowledge Institute, has just returned from the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, where they conducted the latest in an ongoing series of training projects for fellow national motor sport authorities.


The three-day training course, concentrating on the organization and delivery of safe and successful rallies, was delivered in the Russian language for more than 70 volunteer motor sport officials. Interpretation was also provided for those more comfortable with the native Georgian language.


ATCUAE President Dr. Mohammed Ben Sulayem said: “It is the ability to provide training in multiple languages which has set the MKI apart from other training providers.

“Since beginning our international training in early 2012, we have now taught in five different languages. We are fortunate to have such talent and resources available within the multicultural motorsport community in the UAE.”

Previous training programs have been delivered in Spanish, Arabic, English, and French.


Georgian Automobile Sport Federation President Mamuka Mikiashvili said: “We were delighted to work on this project alongside the team from the UAE. Each of the trainers was an expert in their own field and they were really excited to share their knowledge and expertise with us.”


On the final day in Tbilisi, MKI Director Ronan Morgan and his team accompanied President Mikiashvili to a meeting with Georgian Deputy Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs, Tamaz Tevzadze where the future objectives of the GASF were discussed.

It is hoped that, through both the training provided and governmental support, the GASF will soon be able to stage their first international rally in Georgia since 2005, and eventually rejoin the FIA European Rally Cup (East).


Morgan said: “This was my first time visiting Georgia, and I have been astounded by the beauty of the country, and it’s suitability for hosting rallies. The GASF have impressed me with their eagerness and enthusiasm for the sport, particularly among their younger members, and I am sure that we will see them back on the international calendar very soon.”


The Officials Safety Training project, organized by the Georgian Automobile Sport Federation, was funded in part by a grant from the FIA Foundation, which is administered by the FIA Institute. Both the GASF and ATCUAE hope that, with aid of further funding from the FIA Foundation, a second training course can be organized and delivered in 2014.


The Motorsport Knowledge Institute will continue its international training projects throughout the coming summer months, the off season for UAE motorsport, with upcoming projects in Tanzania, Botswana, Egypt, and Cyprus all scheduled, and more to come later in the year.

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