Tips for selling a used car in Dubai for export

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When it comes to selling a vehicle, used car export can potentially bring you more money than selling to a local buyer. There are however a few tips you should consider to ensure that you do not fail miserably in acquiring the sale based on lack of information. Here a few things you should research on and think about:

The Specs: It is important to note that not all countries in the world have the same specs as your country. Make sure that you understand the requirements for cars in the recipient country and check if your car meets these regulations. If not, you may want to ensure that they are adjusted.

Cost of shipping: Shipping a car can be quite expensive and as a seller, you have to factor in these costs when doing your car price estimates. This will make the car more attractive to potential buyers because they are able to work within good budgets.

Legal paperwork: Have you competed all the paperwork to ensure that you can sell your ride legally for export? This is something you need to clear with the relevant government agencies and shipping companies.

Warranty: If the warranty is not expired, you need to find out whether it is extendable to the country that you are exporting to and how the new owner can access it if required. This forms part of the car sale agreement and should be addressed.

Spare parts: It would be counter effective to sell any car to a country where spare parts are impossible to get or extremely difficult or expensive. It is therefore necessary to confirm with your auto-maker that they are able to support the new owner wherever they will be.

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