5 Steps to Successfully Charge Your Car Battery

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How many times have you tried to start  your car and it failed, a dead battery is a common battery that majority of car users suffer from at a certain point of their driving experience. The smart choice will be carrying a portable battery charger in your trunk, just to be prepared for such situation.Knowing how to recharge your car battery is highly essential and very simple if you followed the below steps accurately. You need to remember to stay safe at all times, wearing goggles or gloves would be a good choice.

Hopefully, you will avoid the need to charge your car’s battery, however  if you find yourself in a situation where the battery life is dying, then here are a few steps of  how to do it.

First Step : Portable  Charger

The first obvious step is to get the portable battery charger. With different models and style, you need to familiarize yourself with the charger you are carrying in order to know how to use it when in need. Charger inspection is one of the essential steps, read the instructions and information on the charger carefully to understand what each button means and how it works.

Second Step: Connecting the Charger to the Battery

Now, after you familiarized yourself with the charger, you can safely connect it to the car’s battery. Two possible applicable solutions are charging the battery whether it is still inside the car or if it is removed. The way to do it is attaching the positive (usually red) clamp to the positive post of the battery  which will have a “+” sign indicator on it. Then do the same for the negative (usually black) clamp, on the battery it will have a “-” sign indicator.

Third Step: Set the Charger

The next step will be setting the amps and volt of the charger. If you want to slowly charge the battery, then you should set it on a lower amperage than if quickly trying to start your car. However, if you have time, trickle charging is the better recommended method.

Forth Step: Plug In and Charge

All what you need to do now is to plug in the charger and let it do its work. If you want, you can set the amount of time needed for the charger to work or chose to shut down automatically once its done. Whatever your decision was, you need to always keep the charger in its place do not move it or play with chords.

Fifth Step: Time to Disconnect

Now that your battery is fully charged, it is safe to turn off the charger and unplug it. This is an essential step: disconnect the cables in the opposite order in which you attached them at the begging. Meaning the negative one first then the positive. Now you can start your car safely and you are good to go to your destination.

At all times, remember that a healthy car will increase its value when it is time to sell your ride. Always keep an eye on any signs given by car no matter how small it was, this can save you a lot in the future.

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