What are the Signs of a Failing Transmission?

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If you are a first time car owner, you might not be in a position to do a car assessment and immediately know if there is a problem. However, the more you get used to driving your car, the more you gain expertise in noting changes in the way your car behaves. If you notice the below changes, it may mean that your automatic transmission is failing and you need a professional vehicle check-up. You should be especially careful if yours is a used cars purchase and you do not have the full car information.


You might be driving at a certain gear and all of a sudden you feel as if it has changed to a different one for no reason at all. You may also hear a changing engine noise with higher pitch or your car may feel as if it is underpowered or accelerating unexpectedly. If this is happening, it is time to have your transmission checked.

Rough shifts:

If you feel like you are having difficulties changing gears, not changing smoothly, or a noticeable noise when you shift then there is a problem. This may also be accompanied by difficulty in picking up speed even with excellent acceleration.

Delayed engagement :

You have shifted from one gear to another and your car takes longer than normal to engage the gear despite all the appropriate action such as pushing gas, then you need a professional check-up.


 Transmission as a rule do not leak fluids. If you notice bright red or at times dark red or brown fluid under your car this is an indicator that your transmission is leaking and rather than refill and move on, have the issue checked.

Dashboard warning light:

Your dashboard lights are a good indicator of problems that the computed system of your car can pick up and warn you about. If the ‘check engine’ light is on, it may not necessarily mean there is a transmission problem, but it’s a good indicator that you do have a problem that needs professional diagnostics.

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