Top 10 Advanced Auto Technologies Targeting Year 2020

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Recent high level auto shows have proved one thing in the global car market; technology is taking over the auto industry. Here are some of the top ten advanced technologies featured by top industry players that are expected to be rolling out by the year 2020.

Autonomous Vehicle – The whole idea of having cars that can drive themselves may have seemed far-fetched a few years ago but today, the scenario is quite different. While it might a little ambitious to achieve full autonomy by 2020, it is definitely possible to have semi autonomy where either some factors are human controlled or a slow out of the busy cities rollout.

Driver override system – The sensor technology has rapidly grown and has made revolutionary advancements in controlling accidents and incidents. Advanced systems are however seeking to implement overrides such that regardless of the driver’s actions, the car can automatically apply safety measures such as brakes as per external dangers.

Biometric Vehicle Access – The smartphone concept is on its way to being replicated in cars. The next step from keyless entry and push start buttons is probably biometric based car information will work with either a retina scanner or a finger print reader.

Comprehensive Vehicle Tracking – Do you think that there is a possibility of insurance companies demanding comprehensive vehicle tracking as a prerequisite for insurance? This might seem far-fetched but the answer is yes, that time is coming and we are not far from it.

Active Window Displays – Display windows are quite the in thing with the luxury line-up and definitely the future for this technology is looking extremely bright with HD navigational images that are as good as the real thing.

Remote Vehicle Shutdown – Well, this is currently happening but very few people know about it. Think of an advanced system where you can remotely shut down a stolen car or a situation where you teenager decides to ‘borrow’ your car and go on a fun spree putting his life in danger.

Active Health Monitoring – The idea of wearable technology for the driver is ripe only this time it is connected to your car system and programmed to raise alarm if the vital statistics of the driver are not stable.

Four-cylinder Super Car – If you thought this is a dream, well think again. Ford just showcased a GT supercar twin-turbo V6 producing over 600 horsepower.It is therefore not a wonder that by 2020 the auto industry will introduce Four-cylinder Super Car.

Smart in-car Marketing – Today’s marketing industry is driven by customer behavior on the internet and search engine and social media giants are doing very well in this. What about location marketing and connected cars targeting based on driver behavior?

Reconfigurable Body Panels: Well this might be a tall order but what about a two-in-one car. You press a button and your SUV converts into a mini truck? Car price is no longer the question, the question is what technology!

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