How to Get Your Money’s Worth When Selling Your Car

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Your car purchase has gone smoothly and you are definitely happy, but you must not forget that one day you will need to part ways with your car. The big question is; will it fetch the best resale value for your ride? You must not sabotage this possibility and that s why we will point out a few musts and must-nots to keep in line.

  1. Service your car regularly

Your dealer must have probably told you; but here it is again: regular service for your car ensures that small problems are caught up in time and rectified before they affect the perfect balance of your vehicle. You must not exceed the recommended periods of service. On car resale, most car buyers will demand to see the service history and a perfect one definitely helps in valuation.

  1. Do not be an aggressive driver

Unless you are in the rally business, calm down, shift your right and don’t push it beyond the regular. Hard breaking, excess speeding, rough twists and turns will only guarantee you one thing; quicker depreciation and parts problems. You must always treat your car with the value it deserves.

  1. Maintain recommended tire pressure

Some car manufacturers have even installed technology to alert you that your tire pressure is low or is at the required level. This allows your car to be balanced during a ride and will ensure that you do not damage some parts. It also give the wheels a longer life span.

  1. Check your car fluids

From coolants to water to oils; you must always make sure that they are always refilled and changed as required. This is the only way to ensure that the mechanical function of your car is up to gauge. It is also a necessary part of safety precautions because they form an integral part of the car functions.

  1. Keep it clean

A clean car is an enjoyable ride. Keeps your mood positive and is touted as a big contributor to safe driving. How would take care of your car on the road if you cannot see other people through the dirty windows and mirrors of your vehicle?

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