MOI Launches Electronic Vehicle Registration Across UAE

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Dubai has been always known to pioneer the e-commerce, now the Ministry of Interior is launching a new electronic service to register your vehicle across the UAE.  An awareness campaign will be launched regarding this service and how to use it, which methods are available for the e-registration and where to do it.

How to access the Electronic Vehicle Registration?

This service will be accessible through the Ministry’s smart applications, UAE MOI, as well as patrols’ UTS federal traffic and registration system applications. Further more, the technical team trained policemen across the nation on how to use this electronic vehicle registration. At its initial stages, it will be offered to some employees then gradually become available to all patrols through smartphones and tablets.

Users can go to Ministry’s applications UAE MOI to view all vehicles registered under their name, this is how they can do it:

  1.  Access the “Traffic Section”
  2. Go to “Registered Vehicles“.
  3. Pressing the plate number. The application allows you to view an electronic copy of the registration (which by the way is considered a copy of the manual registration)  and can be presented when needed

UTS”-backed applications on their smartphones, this will help providing electronic registrations, drivers’ license, and all sort of information needed to facilitate patrolling procedures.

Where to do the Electronic Vehicle Registration?

Regulatory conditions of the e-transformation throughout all of the Ministry’s documents in regards to traffic across the UAE will be fulfilled by the ministry. Once this step is done, public will be able to benefit from this service anywhere anytime.

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