Dubai Taxi institute honors its strategic partners and importers at its annual meeting

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Dubai Taxi institute held its annual meeting for the year 2013 at the Intercontinental Hotel with the company’s strategic partners and importers to promote business relationships and to confirm the importance of such relations and its role in expanding and developing the services provided by the organization to the citizens benefiting from the taxi service they provide in Dubai.

The meeting witnessed the presence of Mansoor Rahma Alflasy, the deputy CEO of Dubai Taxi, and Mohammad Yusuf, Head of operations and fleet management, the meeting also witnessed the presence of Marwan Othman, the deputy fleet drivers affairs department manager along with other departments managers, head of sectors, specialists, management staff, partners representatives, strategic partners, and importers.

Alflasy welcomed the attendants and thanked the partners and importers for sharing this success with the company. Alflasy talked about the great success of the organization which was reflected on both on the financial state of the organization, and the service quality provided to the customers.

He also said: “This meeting with our strategic partners and importers is a chance to deepen the relations and exchange opinions and comments, it is also a great chance to expand collaboration as a team and research obstacles and find solutions for them, add to that the promotion of the excellent partnership we currently have and what a great chance this is to discuss ways to pursue our mutual aims. Finally, this is also a chance to honor our partners for their efforts in supporting the organization.”

Alflasy added: “Dubai Taxi institute appreciate the efforts made by our partners and importers for the sake of supporting the projects and strategic initiatives launched by our company with the purpose of providing great service that attracts more and more happy customers and encouraging them to use Taxi services, the thing that will decrease the heavy traffic burden on Dubai streets and also decreasing the pollution risk on the environment, Stressing the fact that we always aspire to providing the best solutions and methodologies to preserve high standards in the business.”

CEO continued his talk saying that the institute is doing its best to achieve its pioneer vision for passengers transportation services by allocating an estimated budget of 880 million Dirham that guarantee providing the best service, plus adopting a number of projects and initiatives this year to achieve this goal, the thing that would not have been possible to achieve without the tremendous amount of support we get from your support for the organization.


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