Driving Laws and regulation in UAE

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You can buy a luxurious car, but you don’t know the driving laws and regulation in the UAE that will be very dangerous for you. Before knowing the Car Information, Car Search just knows the laws.  Car sale is not the main motive for the seller. We know the importance of our valuable customers. If we do not alarm our valuable customers then they will suffer from the various problems. Here there governments are very strict about the laws and regulation. We should careful about the laws also. Otherwise, it may create problems.


UAE is the record of world highest accident and driving death rates. Some rules and regulation and something are forbidden by the laws. By people often break it and creates some unexpected accident. During the driving, the mobile phone conversation is forbidden. But yet people are doing this. In the deserts of UAE, you should choose 4×4 vehicles as a safety precaution. Always take much food and water for driving in the deserts. In the desert, you should have a map or global positioning system. Though, it is available on Smartphone.



In the UAE, you should avoid road shoulder except in an emergency case. Taking rest or taking over the phone may stop the ambulance, police car or fire service van. The RTA says, in the medical emergency or vehicle breakdown they can get supports but they will be charged AED 600 and six black points on their license for overtaking the road shoulder.  Also, you also charged fine for wrong parking. Parking on the road shoulder driver charged AED 200.


Dalili navigation system is introduced by the RTA by their various tools. To reduce the time consumption and traffic jam you can figure out the shortcut route of your destination. There are many devices that provide the most important traffic data. That analyzed all traffic data. Depending on the brands and features, the product rate will be AED 600 to 2000. Reach your destination by using those devices.

There are different rules for the accident in the UAE. In Dubai, you cannot move your vehicle after accident unless it becomes obstacles for another vehicle. But in the Abu Dhabi you can move your vehicle one side if no one is hurt. After accident if the both drivers mutual the matter than it is not an offense. Collision creates obscene gesture among the drivers that can be the criminal offense.


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