Deaf passengers to hear in Smart Taxis

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The new initiative facilitates trips by differently abled people, especially those with hearing impediments.

While rushing to the airport in a cab hoping to catch your flight in time, there will now be another way to ensure it happens rather than simply saying your prayers.

Dubai taxis will soon have the ability for passengers to tap the electronic screen to access the airport’s website or even your airline’s. This is especially handy for visitors without Internet connection for their smartphones or tablets.

This and other ways in which Dubai taxis are becoming smarter have been publicized at the Dubai Taxi Corporation (DTC) stand at international technology fair Gitex 2013, which kicked off at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre on October 20.

At the four-day expo, the DTC is demonstrating the electronic technologies it has harnessed to offer value-added services to customers.

Ahmad Mohammed Al Hammadi, DTC’s acting CEO, said in a Press release that new electronic services were being provided, like the LCD screen project.

To be run by Techno Line company for three years, the project has seen DTC instal these screens in 3,500 taxis. These through Wi-Fi Intelligent Mobile Hotspots will enable customers to access different websites, including Emirates Airlines’ and Dubai Airport’s.

In addition, passengers can also get information about promotional activities by government and private agencies and details about DTC’s tariffs, events, services and initiatives.

A new initiative facilitates trips by differently abled people, especially those with hearing impediments.

Launched in collaboration with the Community Development Authority, Microsoft and Nokia, this application allows them to book a taxi either by making a phone call, texting or through the website. It also helps them calculate the fare. In addition, there are various signs to signal the cabbie to turn right or left, reduce speed or indicate the passenger is ill or doesn’t have money.

For those wanting to offer suggestions or critiques, there is a questionnaire that helps DTC get feedback from customers. The DTC cabs already come with a new light system. The light blinking on the roof indicates the status of the vehicle, whether it is available or has been booked.

Al Hammadi said DTC is taking part in the fair as part of the government’s directives to switch to smart services so that they are on a par with the best international practices in developed countries.

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