7 Ways to Beat Stress When Stuck in a Traffic Jam

7 Ways to Beat Stress When Stuck in a Traffic Jam

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Traffic jams are common everywhere but occur more frequently in the UAE because of a high car to people ratio here. There is one car for two people on average in Dubai and the car to people ratio of Abu Dhabi is also quite high. Even with better roads and well-coordinated traffic monitoring systems, UAE faces some serious traffic issues and traffic congestion is one of them. Traffic congestions lead to stressful driving which causes motorists to make mistakes resulting into minor, major and deadly road accidents.

It gets highly demanding to stay patient in a traffic jam situation but there are ways to survive and come out of it in a harmless manner.

Also read: Why the UAE’s Traffic Problem is Getting Worse

Allow Yourself Some Extra Time

A smart and preemptive driving approach is the secret to a stress-free ride. You should always allow yourself some extra time when leaving for work, business meetings or for any other important purpose as it can help you avoid a considerably panicking traffic jam situation. Avoiding from being late is the most significant cause behind stressful driving and that can simply be gotten rid of by having some extra time under your belt. Allow yourself some extra time in the UAE especially in public holidays and peak hours of traffic.

What if my work timings are not flexible?

Allowing yourself some extra time could only be a worry if you don’t have flexible work timings. But even in that case, you can indulge yourself in some healthy activity. You may park your car at a safe place and spend your time walking around and relaxing yourself before a hectic day of work. You may also join a gym/fitness center near your workplace to spend those extra 20-30 minutes before work or you can simply plug in your headphones and listen to your favorite music while sitting in the car or in the waiting area at your workplace.

Allow Yourself Some Extra Time

Take Help of Technology to Plan your Route

Different states of the UAE especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi are putting considerable efforts to make driving trouble-free for motorists with smart transport solutions. There is an RTA app in Dubai that notifies traffic congestions to motorists on different roads of Dubai.

Other than that, there are Google Maps which must be used to identify the areas with heavy congestions. This will help in planning your route beforehand and hence avoid what could be a perplexing traffic situation to drive.

Take Help of Technology to Plan your Route

Also read: Smart Services by Dubai Police Becoming Popular among Motorists

Keep Snacks in the Car

It is important to keep snacks in your car. The excessive release of cortisol hormone makes use of the blood sugar in the stressful situations and that can originate a sudden unwanted hunger pang. You must always have some snacks in your car not only to satisfy your hunger in stress but also to have a distraction from thinking too much about the traffic jam.

Keep Snacks in the Car

Listen to your Favorite Music

It is one of the most effective remedies to avoid stress in a traffic congestion. Instead of losing your calm and going mad over it, just face the fact that you are in a traffic situation that demands you to wait for some time. You can listen to some calming music in the meanwhile as it will soothe your nerves and help you stay patient. Good music has a serene effect to reduce stress, it helps to slow down heart and pulse rate, decreases the release of stress hormones in the bloodstream and lowers the blood pressure in intense situations.

Listen to your Favorite Music

Create a Comfortable Space Around you

Do this to save yourself from stress while stuck in a traffic jam. Creating a comfortable space inside your car means to spray a nice fragrance in your car, sit in a comfortable position and keep the whole interior clean. You should also turn on the air conditioning system to beat the heat in summer season. All these practices will help you avoid exhaustion in an intimidating traffic congestion.

Create a Comfortable Space Around you

Also read: Easy and Inexpensive Remedies to Remove Unpleasant Odours from Your Cars

Breathe Deep

Deep breathing is recognized as one of the most useful tools in the stress management programs. While you are stuck in a traffic jam, it is time to just take some deep breaths and relax. The best practice is to breathe in a way that relaxes your neck muscles and shoulder girdle.

Use Public Transport

This is one of the best ways to avoid having to drive in a stressful traffic jam. You should use Google Maps and other relevant technologies to know the highly congested areas and take public transport to avoid driving through congestion. This will keep you stay away from road congestion and also minimize the occurrence of anxiety based road accidents.

Use Public Transport

Recognize the Importance of Every Life on Road

Along with all the above-mentioned ways and the realization of the fact that every life on road is important, you can help yourself avoid stress in daunting traffic jams. You cannot just put multiple lives at stake, no matter how early you need to reach somewhere or how much stressed you are. Avoiding a dangerous road situation by being more patient is the essence of all road safety lessons. All motorists must make UAE safer to commute by playing their individual part to minimize the occurrence of fatal road accidents by managing their stress levels effectively.

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