7 Tips to Improve the Performance of your Car

Tips to enhance car Performance

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The efficiency and the performance of a car can drop due to a number of factors like poor maintenance, rash driving and ageing of the car. An old car needs more attention and regular maintenance than the new car. It is important to understand that maintenance of a car is the fundamental factor that contributes towards the efficient outputs a car delivers for a long term. With proper care of all the parts, accessories and mechanical attributes of a car; the consistency in its performance can be achieved. It is advisable to treat the cars gently and keep good care of at least their mid-year and annual service checkups so that the minor and major problems of a vehicle can be resolved.

We shall discuss here the most important tips to maintain the cars for better performance and to keep them in the best health for a long period of time.

Keep a Modest Approach while Driving

Driving a car in a gentle way improves its efficiency. People who drive at high speed and accelerate excessively, make the important parts of the car like clutch plates, gear shifter, brakes and accelerator prone to premature damage. In order to avoid early wear and tear of the mechanical features of the car, it is important to drive the car gently and accelerate it smoothly when needed. Driving at higher speeds occasionally is not damaging to a car but to treat every ride like a racing venture is something the responsible drivers must not do. Driving at moderate speeds improves the performance of the car and stretches the life of its mechanical parts.

Drive moderately to enhance car performance

Read also: 5 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving a Manual Transmission Car

Regular Oil Change

The engine of the car must be maintained well for its reliable functioning and the basic component of the engine is its oil. The oil of the engine must be changed at regular basis following the car manual provided by the car company. It is generally suggested to change the oil of the engine after every 4,000-6,000 Kilometers. The brake oil should also be checked regularly to maintain its consistency.

Change Engine Oil regularly

Maintenance of the Tyres, Wheels and Brake Pads

The maintenance of tyres and wheels is very important when it comes to improving the performance of a vehicle. The tyres should be kept properly inflated and the wear and tear of the tyre tread should be checked on a regular basis. Other than that, the alignment of the wheels must also be checked for the proper balancing of the vehicle while driving. If bubbling effect is felt during driving, it indicates the poor condition of the brake pads which must be changed immediately. The tyre size suggested by the manufacturer should only be used. After every six months, it is highly recommended to change the orientation of the car tyres.

Maintenance of Car Tyres is necessary

Read Also: Experts Warn Motorists to Check Car Tyres in Summers to Avoid Blowouts

Use High-Quality Fuel

The performance of your vehicle largely depends on the quality of fuel you use. For this purpose, a small quantity of high octane fuel mixed with regular fuel can be used. The use of best quality fuel is not only important for good drivability of the car but also for the longevity of the engine’s life.  You should not use the fuel that causes engine knocking.

Use High quality Fuel

Take Care of the Car Battery

Checking the car’s battery regularly is very important as the whole functioning of the car will stop if the battery gets out of order. You need to keep a good look at the acid levels of your battery. The health of the battery must also be checked after a week or two with the help of a voltmeter.

Take care of Car Battery

 Keep the Car Filters Clean

In order to get the maximum performance out of your car, you need to keep the filters of your car clean whether it’s the air conditioner filter or the filter linked to the engine. It is also advised to change these filters after six months or any duration suggested by the car manufacturer. Keeping the filters clean helps the car engine and air conditioner perform their function effectively improving the overall efficiency of the car.

Keep Air Filters Clean

Give the Car more Attention in Summer

Summer in the Gulf Region does not only make life tough for the living beings but cars as well. The air conditioning system, engine, tyres and battery of the car can suffer from minor or major damage if not properly maintained in the summer season. A car service at the start of summer and in the mid-season is ideal to keep all the car parts and accessories in best shape.

Car care for Summer is necessary

Read also: 5 Easy Ways to Save your Car from Breaking Down This Summer

Extend the Life of your Car with proper Maintenance

Car maintenance throughout the year is fundamental to delay the ageing of a car. In order to prevent the most important mechanical parts of a car from premature damage, proper service checkups are a must. You can keep your car performing the same way it used to do in its first year by looking after it properly as highlighted by the tips discussed above. This is how the performance of the car can be improved which eventually extends the life of the vehicle.

The maintenance cost of an old car can prove to be very expensive as ageing of a car makes most of its vital parts and accessories vulnerable to wear and tear. If you feel, you are not able to manage your monthly budget due to high costs of repair and maintenance of your car then it’s high time to sell it and buy a new one.

SellAnyCar.com buys any car in any condition in just 30 minutes time even if the car is a non-runner. Bring your damaged / wrecked / non-runner car to us and we promise to buy it at a fair price.

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