7 Fuel-Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

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Fuel prices in the UAE have fluctuated throughout this year which has made life difficult for motorists. From April to July, the fuel prices continued to rise and in August they had a slight decline. Petrol prices, however, have again been increased for the month of September which means more worries for motorists looking to minimize their fuel expenses. In the present scenario where fuel prices are expected to increase even in the coming months, motorists must seek some ways to improve their driving habits (general to specific) to make sure that they cut short their fuel expenses to a minimum limit possible. It is estimated that you can make your car 30% more fuel-efficient if you pay an attention to car maintenance and improve your style of driving.

We shall share 7 driving tips for motorists in the UAE which not only minimize fuel consumption but also play a part in sustainability of their vehicle’s performance.

Don’t Drive Aggressively

You must not push the acceleration of your car aggressively right after starting the car. This is basically called a Jackrabbit start which must be avoided as it increases your fuel consumption. Accelerating too much in the earlier gears and constant hard braking can actually increase your fuel consumption up to 40%. You should slowly and steadily accelerate and then reach the higher gears. Driving aggressively not only increases your fuel consumption but also leads to 5 times more gaseous emissions from your car. With UAE suffering from environmental pollution issues, you can play a part by reducing the gaseous emissions from your car. For this, you will need to avoid aggressive driving.

7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Read Also: 6 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving in the UAE

Don’t Drive too Fast on Highways

It is more or less a common practice of motorists to drive too fast on highways not even caring for the speed-limits. According to an estimate, you can save almost 10% on your fuel cost if you drive consistently at 90kph on the highways. It is important to follow the speed-limits on highway as over-speeding not only aggravates your fuel cost but can also make you suffer from serious fines and black points against your driving license. Other than that, over-speeding on highway can cause fatal accidents. Speed Radars are installed in most of the major cities of the UAE to track motorists going over speed-limits, especially on highways.

7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Keep a Check on Proper Inflation of Your Tyres

Tyres of a vehicle must be properly inflated as low inflation of tyres can increase your fuel cost up to 6%. It is important to check the air pressure of all your car tyres at least twice a month and get them inflated properly according to guidelines mentioned in the car manual. Once the tyre pressure is appropriate in all tyres, you can actually save your fuel cost.

7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Make Use of the Cruise Control

Cruise Control is there in the cars to keep your car going at a steady speed on highways. It helps you curtail your fuel expenses as you do not over-speed on highways. Cruise control must be turned off when driving on steep paths like hills as in that case cruise control does not maintain the fuel efficiency.

7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Use the Right Octane Fuel for Your Car

Filling premium or high octane fuel in your car is not always necessary as it might not be suitable for your car. You must look into your car manual to make sure that you get your fuel tank filled with the right octane fuel which goes best with your car. Choosing premium oil just for its expensive price does not mean it will add fuel efficiency as there are many cars designed to give better fuel efficiency with normal fuel.

7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Park your Car in Shade

Once you park your car in shade, it will not only help your car stay cool and limit the use of air conditioner but also will save evaporation of fuel. In this way, you can easily save your fuel cost.

7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Use Dubai Police App or Google Maps to Avoid Congested Areas

If you are located in Dubai, then you can use the Dubai Police App to avoid areas with traffic jams. Otherwise, Google Maps present the ultimate solution to help you avoid areas with high traffic. You must also stay aware of areas where construction projects are in continuation and should avoid travelling through those areas. Avoiding congested areas can help you save your fuel cost considerably.

7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Also read: A Motorist’s Guide to Use “Google Maps” like a Pro

Be Smart and Active While Driving to Get Fuel Economy

Motorists must be active and smart while driving to have the best fuel-efficiency from their cars. Not keeping care of all the factors mentioned in this reading will not lessen your worries regarding fuel expenses. With escalating prices of fuel in the UAE, you can only save fuel cost be being more thoughtful and committed while driving.

Despite driving carefully if your car does not give the desired fuel efficiency, sell it to SellAnyCar.com to buy a new fuel efficient car. We buy any car in any condition regardless of its age and model in just 30 minutes.

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