6 Important Tips to Drive Safely at Night

6 Important Tips to Drive Safely at Night

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Driving at night is not only different from driving during the daytime, but it is also more difficult due to a number of reasons. At night time, it becomes difficult to judge the distance of an approaching vehicle especially when the approaching vehicle is using high-beams. Furthermore, due to reduced visibility, objects either become blur or they come into a motorist’s attention very late as compared to daytime. This problem is particularly adverse amongst aged drivers who already have slightly impaired vision. Hence, nighttime driving demand’s more focus and attention from the driver and any lack in either can have severe consequences.

Also read: 7 ways to Drive Safely in Low Visibility Conditions

Why Drivers need to be More Attentive while Driving at Night

The prevailing darkness at night increases the risk of dangerous road accidents and drivers need to be very careful and attentive while driving at night. Any small distraction can be deadly as the reaction time in an emergency situation on road decreases due to lower visibility as compared to daytime. It has been recorded that fatal accidents are three times more likely to happen at night than during the day. Therefore, it’s important for all drivers to follow certain precautionary tips that can help improve the vision while driving at night.

Here are some tips that drivers need to consider, especially those who drive frequently at night. These tips include some adjustments in the vehicle as well as adopting safe driving habits in order to stay safe while driving at night.

Why Drivers need to be More Attentive while Driving at Night

Adjust and Aim your Headlights the Right Way

Headlights in a car are critical to road safety while driving at night and their sensible use must not be overlooked by drivers. This becomes particularly important when a driver is using the high beam and low beam lights according to the driving conditions.

Headlights need to be properly maintained, that is, the headlight lamps should be replaced immediately when they stop working and they should always be aimed correctly at the road. Incorrectly aimed headlights can cause reflections which distort the vision of the driver, blind other drivers by being pointed at them instead of the road and make it hard to see in the rain or fog. In order to make sure your headlights are adjusted and aimed properly, you can use a simple hack to check how they are aiming and adjust them accordingly.

Park the vehicle 25 feet away from a wall and turn on its headlights at low beam, two spots of light should appear on the wall. Mark a horizontal line 4 feet above the base of the wall with a tape. Now adjust the headlights by moving the spots of light so that the tape starts to shine. Remember this is only a hack to use in case of an emergency, ideally, a vehicle should always be taken to a service center and a professional should adjust the vehicle’s headlights.

Adjust and Aim your Headlights the Right Way

Angle your Rear-View Mirror to Avoid Glare

The drivers need to be aware of their surroundings and keep an eye on the traffic behind them. The glare on the rear-view mirror caused by fast approaching vehicles using high beam can be troublesome for many drivers. In order to avoid that glare, it is important to not look directly into the rear-view mirror, especially when an incoming vehicle is approaching at pace. An important thing to remember is that all vehicles are fitted with dual adjustment rear-view mirrors. Using a knob underneath the rear-view mirror allows the driver to still see the traffic coming from behind but it removes the glare and reduces the high beam’s intensity. Once the vehicle has passed, it is recommended to readjust the rear-view mirror into its normal position.

Angle your Rear-View Mirror to Avoid Glare

Clean your Windscreens, Windows, Mirrors and Lights Regularly

While driving, the exterior of the vehicle is the part that is exposed to dirt and grime the most. The dirt can accumulate on the windshield, windows as well as all the exterior lights. This might not be a big issue during the day, but it may cause glare while driving at night. It is essential to keep your windscreens, windows and lights clean from inside and outside, especially when driving in low visibility conditions like rain or fog at night. It is absolutely crucial that the windscreen fluid bottle is always full, if a part of it has been consumed during driving then immediately fill it up on the next pit stop. The mud flying off from the vehicle ahead or aside cannot not be cleaned completely with dry windscreen-wipers alone.

Clean Windscreen

Low Interior Lights, Better Exterior Vision

Having any lights turned on in the vehicle cabin makes it difficult for the driver to see outside. Human eyes struggle to adjust and focus when there are multiple bright sources of lights. In such a situation, pedestrians, cyclists or any animal crossing the road become harder to identify for the driver. Modern cars’ dashboard lights have at least two settings, a daytime setting which is brighter and a nighttime setting which is dimmer and this setting is activated as soon as the parking lights are turned on. In addition to this, no other lights should be turned on during driving to make sure the driver can see the road and the surroundings clearly.

Low Interior Lights, Better Exterior Vision

Switch on Headlights at Dusk and Dawn

At dusk and dawn, natural light is not enough to see clearly and drivers usually do not use headlights as objects are still visible. Nevertheless, it’s advisable that you switch on your headlights at dusk as well as dawn in order to improve the visibility of your own car as well as to see the road clearly while driving.

Switch on Headlights at Dusk and Dawn

Hit the Brakes a Few Times before Stopping

While driving at night, drivers might have to stop abruptly because of some obstacles ahead. In order to avoid any rear-end collision, it’s advisable that if possible, you should tap the brakes pedal a few times before making a complete stop. This will allow brake lights to flash, alerting the drivers at the back to start slowing down.

Safety Features in New Cars to Make Driving Safe at Night

Even under ideal conditions like street lights being on, road reflectors present, pedestrians crossing from designated areas and more, driving at night poses a serious risk. It may be a glare, ill-maintained components of automobile or negligence of the other drivers, it only takes seconds for a minor distraction to become fatal. This is why car manufacturers have started focusing on car safety features that are essential for driving at night.

Following safety features are becoming an absolute essential for modern cars as they don’t just offer convenience, but they can also potentially save lives.

All You Need to Know about Adaptive Cruise Control System in Cars

Most of these safety features can be found in the new and upcoming cars. The use of these features along with the drivers own vigilance can easily minimise the risk of a dangerous collision at night.

Looking to buy a new car with better safety features for driving at night? Don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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