6 Helpful Tips for Driving in Foreign Countries

Tips to drive in abroad

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People move in large numbers to foreign countries for multiple reasons including study, tourism, migration and business. It needs you to be highly adaptable to get tuned to the living style abroad and get accustomed to the rules and regulations abroad. Driving a car is one aspect that demands serious attention and people new to a country often commit traffic violations. This happens because of lack of understanding of the traffic rules and regulations of a foreign country.

In order to protect you from getting caught in troublesome situations abroad, we shall share here some important driving tips.

Having a Driving License is important

Some Middle East countries accept the driving license of certain countries and that can save you from preliminary driving tests. Find the details of whether your license is valid in the country you are planning to visit. If your driving license in not valid in the foreign country you are visiting, you will have to then go through the detailed process of getting a driving license in that country. It is pertinent to have the necessary driving documents and license with you all the time when you drive in a foreign land.

Use Google Maps

Google Maps can help you in more than one way in a foreign country but first you need to make sure that you understand the roaming charges and data package usage charges before you use them. For example in the UAE, you can use certain services without paying anything extra. But if you are visiting any of the GCC states, then you need to check how your carrier is going to charge you in the country you are visiting.

Dropping a pin

You can use Google Maps “Drop pin” feature to mark a place you have visited or you can send this drop pin to someone who can help you with the directions.

Drop pin in Google Map


It is always a good idea to save major landmarks in your Google Maps app so that you can find them quickly. For example, if you want to travel from Dubai International Airport to SellAnyCar.com then you can easily look that up in Google Maps.

Use Google Maps navigation when driving in abroad

Have Some Cash Money

It is good to have a credit card but it is more advisable to have some cash with you as some gas stations or shops abroad may not accept the credit card. In order to keep yourself away from getting stuck at a fuel station, it is important that you have cash money with you.

Learn and Follow Road Safety Rules

Although, road safety rules are more or less same everywhere in the world but some countries follow them strictly and impose stringent penalties on the offenders. For that, you need to quickly get used to the road safety rules of your visiting country. The internet helps you in finding out the information on traffic rules of a particular country you wish to visit.

Follow road safety rules

Keep Necessary Maintenance Tools in your car

In case, your car gets stuck somewhere in a foreign land; there is a possibility that you might not find some mechanic for quick help. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubling situations, you need to have necessary repairing tools and maintenance kit in your car. The knowledge of car accessories and basic repair work also helps you find your way in such a scenario.

Use Busy and Known Paths

As you are new to some country, it is possible that you won’t know much about the vulnerability of certain roads to crimes.  This is why it is advisable to use main roads for travel and avoid looking out for shortcuts. You can even lose your way experimenting so it is not a good practice at all. Using busy roads ensures that you get emergency help in quick time whenever required.

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