5 Unbelievably Tantrum-Saving Car Journey Tricks!MUST BE READ BY ALL PARENTS

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Planning  to embark on a long car drive with your little ones? A few hours in the car is enough to stress out even the most stable of adults, let alone children. Don’t panic, in this article we have five brilliant and simple tricks that can wave goodbye to toddler tantrums and bickering siblings. Try them this will help keep everyone including yourself calm and entertained throughout the journey.

1. Cosmetics Bag Becomes The Essential Car Kit:


Your emergency kit (including essentials and extras) which make car journeys a happier place must be ready before you take off.  Your bag can include: tissues, wipes, a torch, hand sanitiser, sweets and spare chargers all in one place for when you need them. Using a travel cosmetic bag with see-through compartments like the one pictured above makes for easy storage and easy access

2.Folders with Zip-up Pouches Become Travel Activity Pack


Now this is interesting, all what you need to do is transform basic office supplies into a portable and lightweight car activities pack, using only a hole-punch and a bit of creativity. When it comes to the activities, you can get as adventurous as you like. Some of these genius ideas, including puzzles, ‘I Spy bags’ and memory games. Car journey boredom is a thing of the past!

3. Door Hanging Pockets Becomes Back Seat Storage:


String a door or shoe storage hanger on the back of the front seats to store in-car entertainment and provisions.This is ideal for filling with anything from toys to snacks to roadmaps and first aid kits, this ingenious little trick is a lifesaver on long journeys.

4.Craft Box Becomes Car Snack Storage:


What a super way to keep all your snacks fresh, avoid lots of wrappers hanging around your car and portion control using nothing more than a tackle box. Snacks might include: Cereal, popcorn, dried fruit, vegetable sticks, nutritious car-friendly snacks. Just fill these compartments with all the goodies you think of and you are good to go!

5. Ziplock Bag Becomes Car Seat Cinema:


Ready to hear this, we are bringing  you the oh-so-technical ziplock bag tablet display system. The iBag, if you will. Clever, isn’t it? All you need is a little duct tape and voila! An in-car cinema. Your child is entertained for hours, and by punching a hole in the bag to thread earphones through, you have your own peace and quiet, too. Win/win! Just don’t forget your charger (see #1).

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