5 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start

5 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start

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There could be multiple reasons for failure of a car to start. It is important that you identify a problem soon and find a suitable solution for it to avoid unwanted wear and tear in any of the car parts. What happens in most cases is that people don’t understand the reason for starting failure of their car. This leads to panic and worsens the situation. Not going for a vehicle’s maintenance checkup on regular basis could be the ultimate reason for its failure to start and many who avoid regular checkups for their cars must do it to keep their cars in best health.

We will tell you about five most significant reasons for the failure of a vehicle to start:

Dead Car Battery

Dead Battery of a vehicle could be the most important reason for its failure to start. A dead battery won’t start a vehicle. Even if there is a little juice left in the battery, it will start a car but if battery is completely dead, the chances of starting a vehicle almost die. A battery that has completed its life and still not changed often gets dead but there could also be some more factors which can possibly play a part in battery’s failure and hence the failure of vehicle to start.

5 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start

A battery might fail because of:

  • Lack of use of the vehicle for a long duration which can affect performance of battery
  • Use of Battery by any electrical part of car even when the engine is off
  • Bad Electrical connections at Terminals of battery
  • Acid Stratification (Accumulation of Battery Acid in the bottom which leaves upper portion short of acid)
  • Loss of Water in Battery due to poor maintenance and evaporation

All these reasons could contribute to battery failure of a car and to avoid them, you need to make sure that the battery is regularly checked by you.

Empty Fuel Tank

You need to avoid getting your fuel tank completely empty. This could be a solid reason for the failure of a vehicle to start. In this case, engine will crank but not run asking you to first get the fuel refilled. A weak fuel pump or a poor fuel pump relay could be other reasons for the failure of a car to start. The fuel can also be clogged due to an accumulation of dirt or debris in car’s fuel pump. It can also stop a vehicle from starting.

5 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start

Also Read: 7 Fuel-Saving Driving Tips for Motorists in the UAE

Failure of Spark Plugs

The maintenance of all electric parts of a car is very important and spark plugs carry great importance in this regard. The failure of spark plugs can lead to car-start failure. You must get the spark plugs of engine serviced at right time to save them from wearing down and hurting the performance of your car.

5 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start

Damaged Starter

This could be another factor not letting your car start. It is usually solenoid that goes wrong in case of malfunctioning of starter of the car. Once the solenoid goes out of order, it can then harm gears, bearings and bushings. This is what leads to a non-start situation for your car.

5 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start

How to Identify a Damaged Starter

It is fairly easy. You just need to observe if your car’s headlights get brighter when the car is turned off, but get dim when the car is turned on. It clearly indicates failure of the starter.

Steering Wheel Lock

It is quite a common theft-safety feature that comes in the modern day cars. As you turn off engine of the car and take the key out of starter, the steering wheel gets locked. Those not aware of it find it very irritating in beginning and panic as they don’t get their vehicle started. It is however very easy to open the steering wheel lock. You just need to put the key in starter and nudge the wheel. It will open the lock and you will be able to start your vehicle.

5 Reasons Why Your Car Won’t Start

Maintain Your Vehicle Well to Avoid a No-Start Situation

In order to avoid a situation where your car does not start, you must put a thought into getting your car maintained on regular basis. You must go for weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual checkups of the car to get done with service of all important parts of your car. In this way, your vehicle will not have the issue of not starting up normally.

Also Read: Introducing Car Maintenance Guide for Your Vehicles – Never Suffer a Car Breakdown Again

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