5 Most Dangerous Traffic Violations and Their Penalties in the UAE

5 Most Dangerous Traffic Violations and Their Penalties in the UAE

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Traffic violations committed by motorists can affect the smooth flow of traffic and can often result in dangerous road situations. Motorists committing dangerous traffic violations put their own lives and the lives of other commuters at serious risk. In addition to that, the likelihood of traffic congestion increases when motorists commit traffic violations. The lack of familiarity with traffic rules has been identified as a major reason behind dangerous violations committed by motorists, which is why traffic authorities have launched several road safety campaigns during last few years.

These campaigns are of critical importance as the awareness about traffic rules, penalties for dangerous traffic violations and familiarity with the practices that can be followed to avoid dangerous violations can reduce the risk of unintentional driving mistakes by motorists. It is important for motorists to actively participate in these awareness programmes as the only way they can avoid serious traffic penalties is by becoming familiar with the traffic rules and adopting a defensive driving approach.

Here are the five most frequently committed dangerous traffic violations, their penalties and the practices that motorists can follow to avoid them.


It is arguably the most dangerous traffic violation in the UAE as it has caused many fatal road accidents in the country during the last few years. Driving at a speed above the speed limit of a road is a serious traffic violation that can often cause dangerous road situations. It is important to understand that a speeding motorist violates all the safety protocols that were brought into consideration while setting the speed limit of a road.

These protocols include the size and dimensions of a road, traffic load and history of road accidents on a road. Speeding can result in fatal road accidents, which is a major reason why most of the road safety campaigns in the UAE have been focused on highlighting the importance of following speed limits. Speeding can incur a hefty traffic fine on motorists and it can also lead to confiscation of the vehicle involved in the traffic offence.

The speeding penalties were changed in the recently amended traffic law and the table below shows the new traffic penalties for speeding.

The New Traffic Penalties for Speeding

How to Avoid Speeding?

To avoid committing speeding violations, motorists must gradually develop a defensive driving approach. Motorists should also allow themselves an extra few minutes to reach their destination on time even if they need to drive through heavy traffic during peak hours. By allowing themselves extra time, motorists can avoid aggressive driving and reach their destination timely without driving at a dangerous speed.

It is important to understand that speeding and aggressive driving can have a negative effect on the fuel economy of a vehicle. Fuel prices have been fluctuating in the UAE for more than three and a half years and increased fuel consumption due to aggressive driving can add to the financial burden on motorists.


Tailgating is also one of the major reasons behind dangerous road accidents recorded in the UAE. Tailgating refers to not leaving a safe distance between vehicles, which can often result in a pileup collision involving multiple vehicles. Applying emergency brakes becomes dangerous when motorists don’t leave a safe distance between vehicles.

Tailgating motorists also find it difficult to maneuver their vehicles safely from one lane to another and a combination of reckless driving mistakes can potentially cause a fatal road accident in a matter of just a few minutes. Tailgating is a serious traffic violation for which motorists will have to pay a hefty fine of AED 400 while four black points will be issued against their driving license.

How to Avoid Tailgating?

To avoid tailgating, motorists should leave a minimum distance of a vehicle’s length between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead. Driving at a moderate speed according to the speed limit of a road can also reduce the risk of tailgating.

Sudden Swerving

When motorists shift from one lane to another abruptly without indicating other drivers, it increases the risk of a dangerous road accident. This driving behavior is called sudden swerving and it is one of the most dangerous traffic violations in the UAE. Sudden swerving drivers threaten the safety of others as they don’t allow other drivers the required time to react to their sudden movement from one lane to another. Motorists will have to face a fine of AED 1,000 while four black points will be issued against their driving license for sudden swerving.

How to Avoid Sudden Swerving?

Motorists must properly indicate while shifting from one lane to another, particularly when they are moving to the fast lane as the oncoming traffic will be approaching at a fast speed. It is advisable to move to the first lane only when it is empty or when a driver feels confident that there is enough time and space to move to the fast lane.

Jumping the Red Signal

Authorities in the UAE have launched several awareness campaigns to make motorists aware of the safety risks of jumping the red signal. In recent years, several runover accidents have been recorded in the UAE caused by motorists who were involved in red signal violations. Jumping the red signal is a frequently committed traffic violation in the UAE as it is common amongst motorists to reach an intersection at a high speed to get to the other side of the road before the green light turns to red. Motorists will have to face a fine of AED 1,000 while 12 black points will be issued against their driving license for committing this serious offence. The vehicle involved in the offence will also be impounded for 30 days.

How to Avoid Jumping the Red Signal?

Motorists should approach an intersection at a slow speed and make maneuvers according to the color of the traffic light to avoid a dangerous situation. It is important to understand that green light turning to yellow doesn’t mean to speed up, in fact, it is an indicator for motorists to slow down their vehicles.

Traffic signals are automated according to the traffic volume on a road, which provides motorists enough time to cross an intersection safely. The ideal way to avoid a red signal violation is to allow oneself a cushion of a few extra minutes to reach a destination. Most of the red signal violations are committed by motorists running late for work.


Ignoring Stop Sign of School Buses

Motorists must be very careful while driving in the school zones to ensure the safety of school children. The most important practice that must be followed by all motorists is to acknowledge the stop signs of school buses. Motorists must stop at a fair distance when they see the stop sign of a school bus being activated. The stop sign is displayed by the school bus drivers while picking up and dropping off school children and ignoring stop signs of school buses can result in seriously dangerous road situations involving children. Motorists will have to face a fine of AED 1,000 while four black points will be issued against their license for ignoring the stop signs of school buses.

How to be Careful in School Zones?

Motorists must recognize the importance of playing their part in ensuring the safety of children. It is also important to know that motorists, in general, should drive at a slow speed in school zones as speed limits in these zones are lower than the other areas. Driving at a slow speed gives motorists a fair opportunity to locate a school bus and stop their vehicle at a safe distance if the stop sign of the bus has been activated.


While road safety campaigns and other such initiatives can help create awareness amongst motorists about safe driving practices, the current state of road safety in the UAE can only improve if motorists realize their responsibilities and adopt a defensive driving approach. Motorists need to be careful while driving on the UAE roads as the advanced traffic monitoring systems can help traffic authorities detect even the most minor violations.

Traffic fines were increased in the UAE when the new traffic law was implemented last year in July. The only way motorists can avoid these fines and other penalties is by following the traffic rules and by adopting safe driving practices.

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