5 Most Accident-prone Roads of Dubai Revealed

5 Most Accident-prone Roads of Dubai Revealed

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Located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf, Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The modern-day infrastructure, highly coordinated network of roads and a state-of-the-art traffic and transport system are some of the highlighting factors that have enhanced the positive reputation of Dubai globally. Additionally, like many other cosmopolitan cities across the globe, Dubai also has a diversified traffic culture. Dubai has a large expatriate population, which makes traffic management extremely challenging for traffic authorities. Expatriates find it difficult to become familiar with traffic rules and commit traffic violations that can often have dangerous consequences.

Traffic authorities in Dubai launch road safety campaigns throughout the year to improve the understanding of traffic rules amongst motorists and to make them aware of the risks of reckless driving. It is the responsibility of motorists to participate in such campaigns so that they can become aware of the road safety practices and traffic rules.

According to a new traffic report released by traffic authorities, the road safety situation has improved during the first quarter of 2019 as compared to the same period of last year. Authorities have also revealed the name of the most accident-prone roads of Dubai in the new traffic report.

Details of the New Traffic Report

Brigadier Saif Al Mazrouei, Director of the General Department of Traffic released the new traffic report and said that the road safety situation has gradually improved in the emirate. He mentioned that five major roads in Dubai recorded the highest number of accidents during the first quarter of 2019 and authorities are taking the necessary steps to make these roads safer for commuters.

The names of the most accident-prone roads of Dubai are given below:

  • Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road
  • Emirates Road
  • Sheikh Zayed Road
  • Dubai-Al Ain Road
  • Al Khail Road

According to authorities, speeding was the most frequently committed traffic violation on these roads during the first quarter of 2019. The traffic authorities have, however, revealed that speeding violations decreased by 11% in Dubai as compared to the first quarter of 2018. The road fatalities have also decreased by 19% while the traffic violations recorded by Police patrols reduced by 6%.

Speeding Penalties in the UAE

Speeding has been identified as the most frequently committed traffic violation on major Dubai roads during the first quarter of 2019. Speeding motorists threaten the safety of other commuters when they violate speed limits that can result in fatal road accidents. The Dubai Police has recently issued a warning to motorists to avoid over-speeding near Iftar time during Ramadan.

The speeding penalties were changed in the newly amended traffic law, which was implemented in the UAE on July 1, 2017. The speeding penalties were increased tremendously in the new traffic law to discourage motorists from committing this dangerous traffic violation.

The table given below shows the penalties for speeding according to the new traffic law.

Speeding Penalties in the UAE

Road Safety Campaigns Launched by Authorities

Several road safety campaigns have been launched in Dubai, which have helped improve the road safety situation during the first quarter of 2019. Brigadier Saif Al Mazrouei said that authorities have launched three road safety campaigns so far this year in which 71 awareness lectures were organized. These lectures were attended by 26,497 people, which helped in promoting awareness about road safety practices.

According to authorities, 23 road safety lectures were organized during the first quarter of last year and 16,410 people attended these lectures. The road safety situation has improved significantly in Dubai, all thanks to the untiring efforts of traffic authorities.


While the road safety situation has gradually improved in Dubai, the reckless driving behavior of motorists is still a major concern for authorities. The traffic authorities in Dubai have warned motorists against reckless driving to eliminate the risk of fatal road accidents. While authorities are taking the required steps to make Dubai roads safer, any drastic improvement in the road safety situation can only be possible if motorists recognize their responsibility and follow traffic rules.

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