448,500 Traffic Violations Recorded by RAK Radars Since 2016


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The Ras Al Khaimah Police has revealed new stats on traffic violations recorded in the emirate since 2016. The comprehensive traffic stats have been released to provide information about the gradual improvement in road safety situation and to outline instructions for motorists on how they can avoid these violations. Committing dangerous traffic violations such as jumping the red signal, over-speeding and sudden swerving can disrupt the smooth flow of traffic and result in serious road accidents.

The RAK Police has revealed that over 400,000 traffic violations were recorded by traffic monitoring radars during the last three years. These radars are fitted with the most cutting-edge technologies to monitor even the minor violations committed by motorists. Authorities have released the traffic stats and also provided details of the discount availed by motorists since 2016 under the new discount system.

Details of the New Traffic Stats Released by the RAK Police

The RAK Police has released new traffic stats to provide information about the accuracy with which the traffic monitoring radars in the emirate can record traffic violations. Based on modern-day traffic monitoring technologies, these radars can track traffic violations at a high speed without compromising efficiency and accuracy. The RAK Police has released the new stats to make motorists aware of the capabilities of the radars and to warn them against committing dangerous violations.

According to the RAK Police, as many as 448,500 traffic violations were recorded by the radars during the three years period between October 2016 and October 2019. These violations were recorded by both the mobile radars and fixed radars. Both radars are highly efficient and have helped authorities in nabbing down traffic offenders effectively.

The period for which the stats have been revealed starts from October 2016 when the traffic fine discount system was launched for the first time. The RAK Police has revealed that several motorists have benefitted from the new traffic fine discount system, which has helped reduce their financial burden significantly.

How has the Traffic Fine Discount System Helped Motorists?

During the three years period between October 2016 and October 2019, as many as 250,000 drivers who were fined for committing traffic violations got a discount on their fines under the new discount system. This discount system is simple and offers a discount to motorists if they pay their fines within a specific period. Under the new discount system, motorists can get a discount of 50% if they pay their fines within the first 50 days. Motorists can also get a 30% discount if they pay their fines between 51 and 80 days.

Traffic authorities have revealed that the new discount system covers all types of vehicles including private vehicles, government vehicles, commercial cars and corporate cars. The launch of the discount system is part of a drive that has been launched by the RAK Police in an effort to improve the road safety situation in the emirate. The discount system has reduced the financial burden on motorists and encouraged them to learn from their mistakes and not repeat traffic violations.

Official Statement on the New Traffic Stats

Authorities have revealed that the traffic fine discount system and increased surveillance through radars have helped in bringing down the number of daily road accidents from 120 to 40. Major-General Ali Abdullah bin Alwan Al Nuaimi, General Commander of RAK Police said that the traffic fine discount system in RAK is of great significance for motorists that have pending traffic fines. He said that motorists can easily get a substantial discount on their fines by paying their pending fines timely. The discount system has been integrated into the Ministry of Interior system a long time ago and motorists can easily apply for the discount on their fines.

Brig. Dr. Mohammed Al Humaidi, Director of Central Operations said that the drive to improve road safety situation in the emirate has received a welcoming response from motorists. He also mentioned that motorists who have had their fines dropped committed to reporting traffic accidents and reckless behavior of other motorists. These are positive developments, which show the commitment of the RAK Police towards improving the road safety situation in the emirate.

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