4304 Vehicles found Abandoned in Abu Dhabi

Impounded cars- Abu Dhabi

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With over 4,000 cars abandoned and 492 cars impounded in Abu Dhabi alone, the Municipality is gearing up to rid the city of these abandoned cars. Owners are advised to make use of a special relaxation in the amount of fine imposed for both abandoned and impounded cars. On the other hand, we at SellAnyCar.com want the owners to act as a responsible citizen and fulfill their civic duty while making a profit off their abandoned / impounded vehicles.

Discount offered in Penalty

All the abandoned cars present in impounded yard of Abu Dhabi were fined Dh3000. The Municipality has also offered a settlement of 50% fine to the offenders once they report.

In 2015, as much as 4304 vehicles were lifted by Municipality for leaving them at public area, unoccupied places and car parks for longer durations From Musaffah Industrial Area.

The municipality aims to spread awareness among people, to not to leave their vehicles for long periods at public places in poor condition as it damages the civilized appearance of city.

Legal Grace Limit

As per the modified Law No. (2) of 2012, the notice period is extended to 14 days, before it was 3 days. After that inspector will notify and vehicles will be removed to Al Wathba impound location.

The legal grace period is usually issued for the vehicles under monitoring for such violations. After the grace period finishes and the violations are repeated, strict actions are taken and the vehicles are moved to the impounded yard. The Municipality sources quoted, there were a number of factors behind this movement of Municipality system including cleanliness of the city, road safety and lessening the pollution from the environment. It was also intended towards building awareness among masses about the conservation of the environment.

The Municipality sources added:

“The Municipality will be forced to take action and remove the vehicles to the impounded yard if the violations continued even after the grace period. Further legal actions of such vehicles will take place afterwards.”

The Municipality took away 492 vehicles from Musaffah Industrial Area and shifted them to the impounded yard in January 2016. These vehicles had passed their grace period and included all different kinds i.e. light vehicles, tankers and transporter vehicles.

Relief in Fine as Per New Settlement

A fine of Dh3000 is imposed on the impounded vehicles with the 50% ease possible once the offenders report to the municipality. With that it is made clear by the municipality that the fines will be doubled in case of the recurrence of violations and daily impounding fees will also be applied.

Abandoned Cars in UAE

In recent years, UAE has seen a lot of abandoned cars on its streets by either expatriates or people fearing jail time for not being able to make their car payments. As a result, cars get abandoned on the streets, which after a certain period of time gets impounded.

Worried about your impounded car? Sell it to “SellAnyCar.com”

We are here to help you out in such alarming situations and our car selling services are tailor made for acquiring the best benefits. Don’t go mad over the impounding of your car as you have to pay a heavy fine over it. You just need to retrieve your vehicle from the impounded yard as soon as possible and hand it over to us in any condition. We are the best solution for this haunting worry on your head as we accept every car with any model and car maker to be sold with us. Don’t bother too much about getting your car refurbished after retrieving it from municipality as we do most of the things on our own to lessen the troubles of our valued customers. We have a system that gives the most value-adding evaluation of your vehicle and sells it in few minutes. Yes, you need to get your car retrieved from the Municipality but selling it with us will definitely minimize your anxiety over the financial loss and our bid on your car would certainly compensate it to a larger extent.

So, don’t wait any further and rush to “SellAnyCar.com” for selling your retrieved car from the municipality.

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