30% Discount on Radar Fines Announced in Ras Al Khaimah

30% Discount on Radar Fines Announced in Ras Al Khaimah

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Traffic authorities in Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) have announced a new discount on radar fines, much to the delight of motorists with heavy outstanding fines. This comes as a great news for motorists on a tight budget who have been under serious financial pressure to pay their pending hefty fines after the implementation of the amended traffic law in July last year. Traffic fines for dangerous traffic violations such as over-speeding and lane swerving were increased significantly in the amended traffic law as authorities tightened their scrutiny of traffic offenders to discourage them from committing dangerous violations.

While the increase in traffic fines and other penalties has helped improve road safety situation in the emirate, it has increased the financial burden on motorists who have found it extremely difficult to pay their outstanding fines. The new discount offer will provide some relief to motorists as they can now avail 30% discount on their radar fines during the month of October.

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أعلن سعادة اللواء علي عبد الله بن علوان النعيمي قائد عام شرطة رأس الخيمة، عن تخفيض بنسبة 30 ‎%‎ على المخالفات المرورية المتراكمة، وذلك اعتباراً من يوم الأحد الموافق 7/10/2018 إلى يوم الخميس الموافق 1/11/2018. وأوضح سعادة اللواء علي بن علوان النعيمي، أن خصم المخالفات يشمل تخفيض 30% على مخالفات بدل حجز المركبات، وتخفيض 30% على مخالفات الرادار التي مضى عليها 81 يوماً منذ تاريخ تحريرها، مؤكداً أن الإعلان عن تخفيض المخالفات المرورية المتراكمة، قد جاء تطبيقاً لإستراتيجية وزارة الداخلية الرامية إلى فرض سلطة القانون لضبط أمن الطرق، وضمن مبادرات شرطة رأس الخيمة الهادفة إلى إسعاد جميع جمهور المتعاملين بكافة شرائحهم تحفيزاً لهم نحو الامتثال لقانون السير والمرور، بالإضافة إلى تخفيف الأعباء المالية عن الجمهور تزامناً مع عام زايد الخير، داعياً السائقين وأصحاب المركبات إلى الاستفادة من القرار في سداد المخالفات المتراكمة عليهم وتسوية أوضاعهم المرورية القانونية، بهدف ضمان السلامة المرورية لكافة أفراد المجتمع. وأضاف سعادة اللواء علي بن علوان النعيمي، أن شرطة رأس الخيمة تسعى دائماً وبصورة مستمرة إلى اطلاق العديد من المبادرات التي تسهم في تطوير الإمارة وتحسين جودة الحياة بغرض تحقيق الاستقرار ودعم مؤشر الأمن والأمان، سعياً لرسم مستقبل مشرق للإمارة عامرٍ بالنهضة والتقدم.

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Also read: RAK Police Installs Three-in-one Radars on Intersections across the Emirate

Details of the New Discount on Radar Fines Announced in RAK

The RAK traffic authorities are now offering a 30% discount on radar fines in line with the strategy of Ministry of Interior to ensure adherence to traffic rules. This initiative has been taken in the honor of the Year of Zayed and aims at enhancing the satisfaction and happiness of people.

The discount period has begun from Sunday, October 7, 2018, and will remain valid till November 1, 2018. The reduction in fines applies to radar fines issued to motorists at least 81 days ago. The discount offer can also be availed for vehicle impoundment fines, which gives motorists an amazing opportunity to pay their outstanding fines and get their vehicles released.

Not paying traffic fines can lead to confiscation of vehicles, which can now be easily avoided if motorists avail the new 30% discount offer. Motorists with outstanding speeding fines will be able to benefit from the new discount offer the most as the fines for speeding violations were increased tremendously in the recently amended traffic law. The maximum speeding fine that motorists can face for committing a speeding violation in the UAE is now AED 3,000.

The table given below shows the traffic fines for speeding violations according to the recently amended traffic law:

Traffic Penalties in the UAE for Over speeding

Official Statement on the New Discount Offer

Major General Ali Abdullah Bin Alwan Al Nuaimi, Commander-in-Chief of Ras Al Khaimah Police confirmed the discount offer on radar fines and urged motorists to benefit from this offer before it expires on November 1, 2018. He said that outstanding fines can lead to vehicle confiscation, which can create serious problems for motorists.

Major General Ali Abdullah Bin Alwan Al Nuaimi acknowledged the efforts of authorities for facilitating motorists and said that RAK Police has continued to strive for the happiness of motorists. He mentioned that it is the utmost priority of the traffic authorities in RAK to improve the quality of life for people in the emirate.

Major General Ali Abdullah Bin Alwan Al Nuaimi also added that traffic authorities have started to offer a new service for electric car owners in the emirate. Electric car owners can now get their vehicles registered free of cost. This offer has been effective since October 1, 2018 and will remain valid until December 31, 2018. These new initiatives have been taken to provide motorists and car owners with modern-day facilities to raise their living standards.

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Also read: Road Deaths Reduced by 50% in RAK after the Installation of New Radars


It is an ideal time for motorists to benefit from the new discount offer and get rid of their pending traffic fines. With the amendments made to the traffic law, traffic authorities across the UAE have made it difficult for traffic offenders to get away with penalties whenever they commit dangerous violations. The harsher penalties have made motorists learn from their mistakes and discouraged them from repeating dangerous violations.

While authorities have taken a tougher stance against offenders, they have also continued to facilitate motorists with discount offers on traffic fines. Motorists should now make the most of the new discount opportunity and pay their outstanding fines before November 1, 2018.

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