How did a 14-year old hack a connected car?

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Cyber security for connected cars is increasingly becoming a concern in the automotive sale process with stakeholders expressing concerns on vehicle and data security. It has been recently reported that a 14 year old boy with only $15 to spare was able to purchase basic gadgets and successfully hack into a connected car. The hack was reportedly a result of a competition run by Batelle, a nonprofit research and development organization.

The 14 year old did not require advanced knowledge or engineering experience to effectively access the car; he just needed to run a basic car assessment and determine how to override the car connection system. The security hack involved unlocking and starting the engine remotely, play music on the car system from his phone, operate the wipers and even the lights.

This security hack is a big concern for automakers especially coming at a time when advancements in technology are looking to adopt driver-less cars which will purely rely on connection to local infrastructure to effectively operate. While the brand that was hacked has not been identified, this comes as a big concern to the entire industry since the technology will be adopted across the board.

This means that before you ask yourself the question ‘what is my vehicle worthyou might want to know how safe your car or your data if you decide to buy it. The industry is being encouraged to partner with big data and cyber security experts to enhance the security of connected cars.

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