112 Traffic Deaths in First Half of 2016 in Dubai

112 Traffic Deaths in First Half of 2016 in Dubai

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Traffic problems in Dubai and all over the UAE continue to escalate as Dubai Police records 112 traffic deaths in first half of 2016. From first day of January till the last day of June, 112 people have lost their lives to road accidents. The percentage of road deaths has increased up to 45% from last year which is alarming for authorities.

Deaths and Injuries Recorded in First Six Months of 2016

Not only deaths but severe injuries of people in road accidents were also recorded in the road accidents. A total of 1,472 road accidents were recorded in the first half of 2016 which caused 1,037 injuries and 112 deaths. When we look at last year’s figure in the same time frame, there were 1,526 road accidents causing 1073 injuries and 77 deaths. The encouraging sign for road and traffic authorities in Dubai is that the number of road accidents has decreased from last year. But at the same time, the increase in severity of the accidents this year is worrisome. More people have got injured and more people have lost their lives as compared to the last year. Out of 1037 injuries, 578 received minor injuries, 381 had mid-level injuries and 78 were badly injured.

What Gives Rise to Deadly Road Accidents

In response to a significant surge in road deaths in 2016, the director of Dubai Traffic Police, Brigadier Saif Muhair Ali Mazroui believed there were multiple reasons for severity of road accidents and the biggest of them was reckless driving of motorists. He said over-speeding, lane swerving, tailgating and not caring for other users on road were the most culpable reasons for traffic deaths in Dubai.

Major traffic violations with their respective number of deaths are as following:

Careless Attitude for other People on Road 163 accidents and 27 deaths

Tailgating 287 incidents and 21 deaths

Sudden Swerving 292 Road Accidents and 14 Deaths

Over-Speeding 14 deaths

Also read: Everything You Need to Know About the New Speed Radars in Dubai

In 2015 Tailgating was the leading offence that caused traffic deaths in the UAE. Analyzing the figures for vehicles involved in traffic accidents in first half reveals that out of 771 vehicles involved in accidents, private vehicles were part of 502 accidents, 66 accidents included motorcycles, 44 accidents involved minibuses, heavy trucks caused 54 accidents, light weight trucks were linked to 43 accidents and 21 of these incidents involved taxis.

What is Dubai Traffic Police doing to Reduce Accidents?

Dubai Traffic Police is doing everything they can to reduce the number of road accidents and hence the road deaths. According to an official, it is the ultimate goal of Dubai police to control number of accidents caused every year. For this, the Police of Dubai is running multiple awareness campaigns for motorist throughout the year and also rewarding motorists with prizes for being careful while driving. He said it was duty of motorists to bring peace on roads of Dubai by driving safely following the traffic rules and regulations. No matter what the traffic authorities try, the number of road deaths will not decrease till the motorists become more cautious in their approach and follow rules.

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