10% Rise in the Petrol and Diesel Prices in UAE for May 2016

May Fuel Prices Increase by 10 %

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The Ministry of Energy in UAE has announced the updated petrol and diesel prices for the month of May 2016. An increase of 10% has been announced and the new prices have been put into effect from May 1, 2016. It is important to notice here that the prices for petrol and diesel have observed a 10% increase in consecutive months of April and May in 2016.

New Prices for May 2016

The Ministry of Energy has revealed all the prices for different types of petrol and diesel. The price of Special Petrol RON 95 for the month of May is Dhs 1.67/Litre and that of Super RON 98 is Dhs 1.78/Litre.

In the same way, the price of “E-plus” RON 91 receives a hike of Dhs 0.16 from last month and will now be sold at Dhs 1.60/Litre. Diesel in May will cost Dhs 1.60/Litre. The price for Diesel in the month of April was Dhs 1.56/Litre.

Fuel Prices for May

The table below indicates the difference in fuel prices of May from April 2016.

Fuel Price Comparison since August

Petrol and Diesel prices Since January 2016

In the year 2016, the prices for petrol and diesel observed a steady decrease from January to March. The first hike in the prices came in the April for the first time and now in May, the prices have again increased up to 10%.  The earlier decrease and the recent increase can easily be observed in the graph below.

Fuel Prices Increase in May

Need for Fuel Efficient Cars

As per the new prices, it is high time to switch to fuel efficient cars. These eco-friendly cars have multiple advantages. In UAE, these cars not only cut down your fuel budget but eco-friendly cars have free parking and other benefits too. With that, the RTA Green Point Calculator in another initiative benefiting the Eco-Friendly Car Owners. It measures the carbon emission and awards those with the minimum carbon emission from their cars. Switching to an eco-friendly car in UAE is quite beneficial in financial and environmental terms, especially when fuel prices are increasing so rapidly.

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