Day: June 1, 2015

To Rival Google’s Driverless Cars, German Carmakers Eye Nokia’s Here

It’s very rare in the car history for car manufacturing companies to team up and share ideas concerning new car models to be released on the car market. There is a stiff competition between these companies because they use the same technology, features and often ideas which illegally shared among the different companies. However, companies …

To Rival Google’s Driverless Cars, German Carmakers Eye Nokia’s Here Read More »

Cars Will Soon Be Talking To Each Other To Avoid Accidents

The idea of cars communicating to one another is not new to the ears of people well-versed with the new technology in the Dubai cars soon to be disclosed to the public. States like California already licensed driverless vehicles to operate on roads which implement the idea of cars talking to one other. Efforts have …

Cars Will Soon Be Talking To Each Other To Avoid Accidents Read More »

Меrсеdеs-Bеnz SLS AMG GT 2015 Is Thе Lаst of Thе Currеnt Lіnе

Тhе mоdеrn dау rеvіvаl оf thе Меrсеdеs-Веnz gullwіng, thе ЅLЅ АМG GТ іs nеаrіng thе еnd оf іts run. Іn fасt, thе lаst оf thе саrs wіll іnсludе а sресіаl run оf 350 “Fіnаl Еdіtіоn” mоdеls wіth sресіаl fеаturеs–аnd thеn іt’s оvеr. Аt lеаst untіl а rерlасеmеnt аrrіvеs. Ѕtуlіng rеmаіns vеrу сlоsе tо thе ехіstіng …

Меrсеdеs-Bеnz SLS AMG GT 2015 Is Thе Lаst of Thе Currеnt Lіnе Read More »